Supermoms & Superdads: How to find the perfect balance in the modern family
Today, parents have the chance to be true superheroes for their children . As a "super mom" or "super dad" you can be a role model, reference person and provider in modern society. But how do you manage to give your best, take care of yourself and at the same time allow your children to be themselves?
In this Dextro Energy* blog post, we look at the aspects of "Higher, Faster, Further" from a new, positive perspective and show you how to find the perfect balance in your family.
The Possibilities of Modern Parenthood
The distribution of roles in the family has developed in exciting ways over the last few decades. Modern mothers and fathers now have the freedom to take on and combine different roles in the family.
Today's "super moms" and "super dads" can juggle career, raising children and household chores. But only with an open-minded, modern partner at their side who is actively involved in raising the children and actively works to create new, positive role models.
This variety of options opens up opportunities , but also presents challenges . Only together can you find ways to make your roles as parents fulfilling and authentic.
What does it mean to be a "supermom" or a "superdad"?
The term " supermom " describes a modern mother who is versatile and committed . She can be a career woman, a loving mother and a skilled household manager all in one. The same applies to the " superdad " who can be successful in his job, committed to raising children and multi-talented. It is important to note that it is primarily up to fathers to find their modern roles in the family. While mothers already take on and master many roles, the concept of fatherhood has not yet become a reality. Or to put it another way: While the "tasks" of a mother usually seem clearly defined, fathers are often still looking for their role.
The Fathers Report 2023 , published by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, offers a comprehensive insight into the living realities of fathers in Germany.
The five identified father types
The convinced committed person (21%):
- Strongly convinced of equal division of tasks
- Committed to childcare
The urban co-creator (11%):
- Young, urban and cooperative
- Lives predominantly a partnership compatibility
- Sometimes takes on more childcare responsibilities than her partner
The satisfied pragmatist (20%):
- No clear position on the division of tasks in partnership
- However, if this often
- Childcare is often shared at least equally
The established conventional (19%):
- Neither particularly cooperative nor traditional
- Characterized by older age, older children and high household income
The convinced role preserver (29%):
- Wants and lives the family breadwinner model
- Takes little responsibility for childcare and the majority does not want to do more
The idea of taking on several roles in the family at once can be inspiring , but it shouldn't put you under pressure. In reality, being a good mother or father means, above all , being present and authentic for your children .
Supermoms and superdads know how to pull together.
The changing distribution of roles in the family
The modern family offers space for flexible role allocation . More and more parents today share the roles of mother and father in partnership . This means that both parents are active in raising the children as well as in the household. Concepts such as father or mother role are becoming blurred - for more freedom and flexible family management .
This new division of roles allows both parents to build a closer relationship with their children while pursuing careers . It offers the opportunity to break traditional patterns and create a dynamic that is fulfilling for all family members.
Multitasking and housework: How parents master everyday life
Even if it seems that way at first glance and the image of the multitasking mother is often portrayed as positive, multitasking is usually not the right way to manage household and work. Monotasking , i.e. working on one task after the other, is only possible if everyone pulls together. Parents and children are required to work as a unit to distribute tasks, complete them and take them seriously. If all parties do their job, this means less stress and more free time and freedom for everyone.
Here are some tips on how you can master everyday life even better:
- Create a household plan that divides responsibilities fairly among all family members.
- Use time management techniques to work more efficiently.
- Teach your children early on to do age-appropriate housework.
- Remember that everything doesn’t always have to be perfect – serenity can be very liberating.
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The Importance of Presence in Education
In a time when we are surrounded by many options, real presence in parenting is becoming more and more valuable. As parents, we can consciously create moments where quality is more important than quantity .
Here are some ways you can be more present for your children:
- Create technology-free times for the whole family.
- Listen actively to your children with full attention.
- Plan regular family activities
- Be emotionally available when your children need you.
How to encourage your children without overwhelming them
As parents, we want the best for our children . The desire to encourage them can sometimes be intense. It is important to find a balance between encouragement and the space that children need to discover themselves.
- Respect your child’s individual interests and talents.
- Set realistic expectations that are appropriate for your child's age and abilities.
- Encourage your child to try new things without putting pressure on them.
- Praise the effort and the process, not just the result.
Self-care for parents: Why it's important and how to implement it
Self-care is an essential part of being a good mother or father in the long term. By taking care of yourself, you give your children a positive example of how to deal with their own needs. In short, one of the most important tasks for parents is to take care of their own well-being.
Here are some tips for self-care :
- Schedule regular breaks for yourself.
- Set clear boundaries and respect the boundaries of other family members .
- Cultivate your hobbies and interests.
- Make sure you get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet.
- Seek support if you need it – be it from family, friends or professional help.
Tips for balanced parenting
To achieve balanced parenting, you can use the following strategies:
- Communicate openly with your partner about expectations and needs.
- Set priorities and learn to consciously say "yes" and "no".
- Set milestones and weekly or monthly family meetings to discuss progress and goals.
- Celebrate small successes and be gentle with yourself.
- Be patient – breaking down entrenched structures requires time and understanding.
- Regularly reflect on your role as a parent and adapt it if necessary.
- Trust in nature: mothers and fathers have real superpowers that develop during pregnancy and after birth.
Finding the balance is possible
Finding the perfect balance in the modern family is an exciting journey on which you can grow and develop . It's about discovering your version of a "super mom" or "super dad" - being authentic, present and loving for your children.
Remember: There are no perfect parents , but you are perfect for your children. Every family is unique and finds its own path. By remaining open to change , paying attention to your own needs , and respecting your children as individuals , you can create a family culture in which all members grow and thrive.
Ultimately, it's about being a version of yourself that you love and are comfortable with - because that's the best example you can give your children. You have all the skills you need to be the best mom or dad for your children today and in the future. Trust that and enjoy the wonderful journey of parenthood!
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A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
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