Tips and Tricks for Cooling Down After Exercise
Just as important as the balancing sport itself: the cool down after training
Sport is a way to balance out your everyday life and can do your body and mind so much good . But it's not just the heaviest weights, sprints or high-performance phases that count - what do you do when training is over , your muscles are burning and your pulse needs to calm down again? Many people neglect the cool down after strength training, even though it is crucial for regeneration and long-term training success . We reveal why cooling down after sport is at least as important as the strength training sessions themselves. We have also collected exercises that you can do anywhere and for which there is always time. Optimize your training routine now and experience the difference that a cool down makes for your health , your regeneration and your performance progress .
Why is a cool down after (strength) training important?
You've finished your workout, you feel exhausted but at the same time positive energy is flooding your whole body. Maybe you want to get out of your sweaty sports clothes, take a shower and enjoy the good feeling afterwards. Nevertheless, it is better to give yourself and your body a little time to slowly cool down . As a rule of thumb, around 10-20% of your training time should be devoted to cooling down. When cooling down, you let your pulse and muscles slow down by performing light movements before you finish the training session. Easy jogging, gentle stretching exercises or simply a very simplified version of your training exercises promote your recovery after strength training, protect you from pain or physical discomfort and contribute positively to your general health .
● Improved regeneration : An active cool down promotes metabolism, blood circulation and oxygen supply to the muscles, which supports the regeneration processes.
● Reduced risk of injury: By slowly reducing the intensity, the risk of muscle cramps and dizziness is reduced.
● Optimized heart rate: A gradual reduction in heart rate supports the cardiovascular system during the transition to resting state.
● Improved flexibility: Moderate stretching after strength training can promote mobility and prevent muscle tension.

Did you finish your workout? Congratulations! Don't forget to cool down for regeneration, for example with a fascia roller.
Quick cool-down exercises after fitness training
We have collected the best cool-down exercises that you can do anywhere and in a short amount of time . Whether in the gym, at home or outside, after running , strength training or other sports - there is time for these 5-15 minute cool down after every workout.
● Easy jogging: Jog for 5-10 minutes at a very moderate pace. Always run at a maximum intensity that allows you to still carry on a conversation. This promotes blood circulation and gently lowers your pulse .
● Cross trainer: Use the cross trainer for 5-10 minutes at a low level. The consistent movement is gentle on the joints and supports the breakdown of lactate.
● Climbing stairs: Walk slowly up and down stairs for 5-10 minutes. You can also use the stepper in the gym for this.
● Swimming: Swim for 5-10 minutes at a leisurely pace. The movement of the water also massages the muscles.
stretching exercises
● Standing forward bend: Stand upright, slowly bend forward and try to touch the floor. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds.
● Shoulder-neck stretch: Tilt your head to the side until you feel a stretch in your neck. Gently strengthen with your hand. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds per side.
● Lying hip stretch: Lie on your back, pull one knee to your chest and hold it with both hands. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds per leg.
● Lunge with torso rotation: Take a large lunge and rotate the torso to the side of the front leg. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds per side.
● Cat's back: Get into a quadruped position, round your back and then lower your pelvis. Repeat this 5-10 times.
muscle loosening and relaxation
● Foam rolling: Roll slowly over the muscles. Stay on tense areas for 30-60 seconds.
● Tennis ball massage: Roll a tennis ball under the soles of your feet for 1-2 minutes per foot.
● Self-massage of the calves: Massage your calves with your hands in circular movements for 1-2 minutes per leg.
● Arm pendulum: Stand upright and swing your arms loosely back and forth for about 30 seconds.
● Shoulder circles: Slowly circle your shoulders forwards and backwards. 10 repetitions each.
● Deep abdominal breathing: Place one hand on your stomach, breathe in deeply and feel your stomach rise. Breathe out slowly. 5-10 repetitions.
● 4-7-8 breathing technique: Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds. 5 repetitions.
● Body scan: Lie down relaxed and concentrate on each part of your body one after the other, feel the tension and let go. 5-10 minutes.
● Walking meditation: Walk slowly and concentrate on each step. Feel your feet touching the ground. 5-10 minutes.
● Visualization: Close your eyes and imagine a quiet, relaxing place. Stay there mentally for 3-5 minutes.
Avoid mistakes with a conscious cool down
Mistakes can also happen during the cool down, which is why it is important that you consciously cool down during this short recovery time after strength training. Try to listen to your body - for example, when it comes to how quickly you cool down. Ending training too abruptly could cause circulatory problems. At the same time, you should avoid cool down exercises that are too intense. Your stretching in particular should only be very light after strength training. In the cold season, it is even more important to let the body cool down slowly . Dress warmly after training to prevent colds. If available, use a sauna for deep relaxation. And never forget that your body needs nutrients and sufficient fluids when you put a lot of strain on it.
A balanced diet for recreational athletes – with Dextro Energy*
Nutrition and fluid intake are crucial for effective and healthy training as well as for regeneration before, during and after the cool down . Always make sure you drink enough to prevent dehydration. During training, our Iso Drink provides the optimal fluid intake including carbohydrates and electrolytes, while our Liquid Gel supplies your glycogen stores quickly and effectively. In the cool down phase, carbohydrate and protein-rich drinks such as our Recovery Drink° are beneficial. And with our Zero Calories° tablets you can support your hydration with valuable minerals. Nutrition also plays an important role: you should consume sufficient carbohydrates 2-4 hours before training.
During training, our Iso Drink ensures optimal fluid supply including carbohydrates and electrolytes, while our Liquid Gel supplies your glycogen stores quickly and effectively.
Integrate our cool-down exercises and ideas into your daily routine
An effective cool down does n't have to be time-consuming or complicated . Plan about 5-10 minutes for your cool down after strength training. Experiment with different exercises and find out which ones fit best into your training plan . And remember: any cool down measure, no matter how small, is better than none at all.
* contains carbohydrates
° In Recovery Drink: Proteins contribute to the increase and maintenance of muscle mass.
° For Zero Calories: applies to the prepared drink.
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.