Tuning tips for the brain: This is how you learn faster!
Tying a tie, dancing the waltz, foreign languages or sports: there is so much to discover and learn! If you are one of those people who go through life curiously and always ready for new things, this story is for you. Because this is all about the big question: How do you learn best? And above all: fastest?
Here we want to show you how you can learn effectively and efficiently . How to optimally prepare your body and mind for new things - even when things get stressful. And how you can use the right learning methods to quickly memorize things or memorize complex facts with better understanding.
Interested in learning? Then read on quickly!
With these learning methods you can learn even faster and better
One thing in advance: Of course, contrary to the popular saying, the brain is not a muscle - you can still train it. And not only that: with effective learning methods you can use it better and faster. Just like you can use a muscle particularly effectively and efficiently if you master the correct techniques and movements.
Learn quickly thanks to effective preparation: structured learning
How do you learn best? The first answer to this question is less about a highly scientific method or a special trick that will help you learn faster and better. Instead, it's about structure and order. Five points are essential, regardless of whether you want to quickly learn English vocabulary or discover a new sport:
Equipment and environment should be right. Make sure you are well equipped and the venue is neat, clean and designed for focused learning.
Know yourself. Do you prefer studying in the evening or in the morning? Are you more energetic during the day or do you prefer running when the moon is shining? Are you a multitasker or not great at doing multiple things at once? Design your learning plan and breaks accordingly.
Create a learning plan. Whether for school, university, further training, a new foreign language or sport: set yourself many small stages so that, firstly, you don't lose track and secondly, you don't underestimate or overestimate the scope of your tasks. Very important: start learning early!
Think about proper nutrition. The brain is like an engine that constantly needs to be supplied with fuel. Therefore, make sure that you drink enough (preferably water) and eat regularly before and during studying. Carbohydrates in particular are important for the brain. Special carbohydrate-rich products such as our cubes , our school materials , Dextro muesli bars* and our practical minis are ideal.
Take a rest. Learning is very often more of a marathon than a sprint. That's why regeneration phases are so important. Be sure to include non-learning days and short breaks in your learning plan. And set time limits for yourself. After a certain time you no longer learn.
In addition to these five points, the right learning method is essential. Four of them are coming now!
The mind map: learning better and faster thanks to an overview
The mind map is a classic learning method and is incredibly simple: you write the main topic of your learning content in the middle. From there, lines lead to subtopics. In this way, line by line, topic by topic, a network of terms and connections is created that makes it easier for you to get an overview of the whole thing. This means you can learn faster and better because you recognize connections, know where you need to follow up or where you still have gaps. Ideal if you tackle more complex topics - be it at school , at work or with complicated sports and hobbies that you also want or need to learn in theory .
The SQR3 method: Reading means understanding
The SQR3 learning method is a reading technique that is not about speed reading texts, but rather about better understanding. By the way, the SQR3 method fits wonderfully with the mind map, but first things first: SQR3 stands for “Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review”. So you approach a topic in five steps.
First, get an overview of what you want to learn. You can do this by reading the blurb of a book, information about the author or the table of contents. So you already know what it's about and who wrote the information about it.
Then you ask questions : What does the author want to tell me, what knowledge do I want to acquire by reading? What answers should what I have written give me?
With these questions in mind (which you should still write down), start reading . Here you mark important parts of the text (that answer your questions) with a highlighter. It's best to do this in sections, ideally chapter by chapter.
Then you play it back : you look at what you marked and should be able to use it to answer the questions you wrote down or parts of them.
Finally, in the recapitulation you look at what new things you have learned, whether all questions have been answered and where there may still be a need for action. A mind map (see above) can help you put the SQR3 method on paper in a visually meaningful way.
The Loci Method: Learn a lot by heart in a short time
The great Sherlock Holmes with his mind palace is the personification of the Loci method . This memo technique is about memorizing a lot of details in a very short time. And most importantly: in the right order. Here you visualize what you want to remember using a route that you follow in your mind. Whether you build a mental palace in your head or just walk down a hallway is up to you and always depends on what you want to remember.
An example: Let's assume you want to remember the date of birth of your best friend Elisabeth. First you create a house in your mind. Elizabeth is the name of a queen. So let's imagine a queen suite in your house. You know that Elisabeth died on April 7th. birthday. You can now imagine that the door to Elisabeth's suite has seven locks. When you enter, there are four large leather armchairs in the room. If you later want to remember when Elisabeth's birthday is, just think of the queen's suite with its seven door locks and four leather armchairs.
And if you then want to remember another birthday, say of Paul, you follow the same pattern again: Paul is also the first name of the master chef Paul Bocuse. So kitchen. Paul has on May 20th. Birthday. So you imagine the kitchen. There you walk past 20 cooking pots with five chefs working their magic. And just like that, two rooms in your mind palace are ready. If you then retrace your route in your mind a few times (i.e. from the queen's suite to the kitchen, for example) you will never forget Elisabeth and Paul's birthdays again because you can recall them in the correct order at any time.
The Spaced Repetition Method: Learn languages quickly
Perhaps the best tip for memorization. The spaced repetition method sounds complicated, but it is basically learning by repeating at ever increasing intervals - ideally with index cards or similar practical aids .
It is ideal for quickly learning languages or memorizing technical terms and goes like this: You write down buzzwords, vocabulary and sentences in German and the foreign language of your choice on index cards . Then you go through them and try to translate as many correctly as possible. You repeat the whole thing, for example the next day.
If you are free of errors , repeat it again, but only after, for example, five days. Then again, for example after two weeks, then after a month. As soon as you make mistakes, shorten the intervals between repetitions again. But if you don't make any mistakes after an interval of one month (or an even longer period), you can assume that your brain has memorized the vocabulary or phrases.
The best thing about it: Learning a language at a bumpy tourist level is possible in just a few days. The best way to know which words and sentences are most important here is to ask native speakers for advice or learn using one of the numerous foreign language apps on the market.
Learn better, faster? Often surprisingly easy with YouTube!
The YouTube method: Everyone can learn everything
This method should not be underestimated, especially when it comes to everyday hacks . From drawing to speed reading courses , from tying a tie to waltzing for tomorrow's wedding: on YouTube and other video channels (some of which are paid) you can find experts on almost every topic who will give you clear, quick and competent advice reveal how something works or works.
Whether it's tips for students and adults on how to learn better or chess for beginners - it's all here. And even complex topics such as quantum physics, international politics or the courtship behavior of birds are often presented here in a surprisingly effective and efficient manner. You may not be able to master your master's degree with this learning method - but the hacks are particularly valuable in everyday life and are also good entertainment .
Even more dextro stories for your brain
You now know the best way to quickly memorize . And where you can find help if you need to find out everything you need to know about the electoral system in Germany within a few minutes. But it doesn't have to end there. Take a look at our stories that tell you how to increase your concentration , say goodbye to exam stress or master your exams with last-minute study tips !
* contains carbohydrates
° Vitamin B6, B12, C and folate each contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
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