Jogging in the dark? No problem! This is how you can prepare yourself for the cold season
Winter, 6 p.m., the end of a long day at work - and now you want to start doing some sport? Out there: cold, wet, dark. Inside: warmth, cookies, favorite series. We understand that. But (there is always a but): Sport is so important, especially in autumn and winter. Whether jogging, cycling, hiking or weight training: if you move, you stay in shape. The head remains clear, autumn blues and sadness have a bad hand. And the good resolutions for the New Year don't have to be so lavish...
In addition, it is primarily endurance sports such as jogging or cycling that strengthen our immune system . In general: With sport we train our muscles, our circulation and our immune system. And especially in the dark, cold season, our bodies weaken - a festive invitation for viruses and bacteria to make themselves comfortable with us. It doesn't have to be that way, does it?
So: lock up the bastard, get up and get going. Now let’s get you ready for fall and winter! Want tips for the ideal lighting out there? Which supplements make winter easier and how can you actively prepare yourself for autumn and winter with sport? In our story you will find out everything you need to know about the right sports equipment , useful sports sessions and how to strengthen your immune system.
And if you still need tips for the gray seasons: you'll find them in our stories about the autumn blues and training at home .
Sport as a booster for the immune system
Jogging, running and cycling are among the endurance sports that can have a positive effect on your immune system. Basically, anything that makes you sweat is good as long as you don't overdo it. The rule of thumb is: moderate endurance training for up to an hour has an immune-boosting effect. If you train to the point of exhaustion, this can actually weaken the body - and the immune system at the same time.
But how does endurance training actually strengthen the immune system? By boosting your body’s adrenaline release. This in turn causes the white blood cells in your body to multiply. And these, you guessed it, are essential in the fight against viruses and other external threats.
And how can you motivate yourself to go out even when it's cold, wet and dark?
The important thing here is that you overcome your own weakness, set simple goals and accept small challenges. If you master these, you will quickly burst with happiness and pride. This means that your weaker self will soon no longer have a chance with you.
Running in the dark is the ultimate thrill
Jogging in winter can be pleasant and liberating. The cool, winter-smelling air is, for example, a perfect balance after a long, tiring day in a heated office .
A few tips to prepare you for running in the dark:
Let's start with the warm-up . Especially in winter, the warm-up phase should take a little longer so that the muscles are optimally prepared for training in the cold air. Cold starts are particularly risky here - severe muscle soreness the next day or even injuries can be the result.
When you start your running sessions, you shouldn't overdo it - even if you're an advanced runner. True to the motto “there is strength in calmness”, you first start with quick walking steps . Then you continue trotting in a balanced manner until you reach your desired pace . This helps the body to gently reach operating temperature in the cold.
Also, don't forget to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth in a conscious and controlled manner . If you breathe in too quickly through your mouth, too much cold air will enter your respiratory tract at once and your lungs will start to hurt. However, a face mask or a special mask for endurance training in the cold can help here, more on that in a moment.
To achieve an optimal effect on strengthening the immune system , you can cover between 15-25 km per week, but spread over three to four units on different days. Don't forget: If you overdo it with endurance sports, this can weaken the immune system rather than strengthen it.
When running in the dark and cold, don't forget that you'll sweat. And sweat plus cold can quickly turn bad. That's why it's best to plan the run so that it's guaranteed to end on your doorstep. Then you can quickly jump into the warmth and snuggle up.
That feeling of happiness when you return to the warmth after a session, slightly exhausted: priceless. And so good for the mind and body.
Cycling also protects your immune system
How many times have we heard that cycling in winter is bad because the cold air you breathe in makes you sick? But that's not entirely true. Of course, if you only get on your bike once in the winter and then come back soaking wet, that can of course be the case. However, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract can be trained through regular trips to the cold air (temperature changing baths) and are therefore more resistant to fighting diseases . Especially after a long day in the office or at school, an evening bike ride in the cold season improves blood circulation and moisture in the mucous membranes.
Strengthening the immune system: What else helps
It's not just through regular endurance exercise that you can avoid some colds. There are also a few other good tips on how you can prepare for autumn and winter:
Sun is a radiant booster for the immune system , even if it doesn't come out as often in cold and dark winter months. Sunlight stimulates our vitamin D production. And we need this vitamin for an intact immune system. This also makes it clear: If the supply of sunshine is not optimal, you can consider taking a vitamin D supplement . But be sure to talk to a doctor beforehand.
A balanced diet is also very important for strengthening the immune system. Food rich in vitamins is the key here (lots of fruit and vegetables, little fast food), and you should also make sure that you drink a lot - ideally water or unsweetened teas. Drinking is often forgotten when exercising outdoors in the cold season, as sweat production is often not as strong or goes unnoticed. Nevertheless, the body needs the same amount, or even more, water than in summer. The air is drier in the colder months and therefore more fluid is removed from the body. Tip for this: It's best to drink throughout the day and not just during your training session! With 2 to 3 liters per day you are well supplied with basic supplies , but if you are more stressed you can also use more water (but not sea water, of course).
Sleep a lot and well. It is perhaps the oldest tip in the world that is often ignored in a fast-paced world: sleep is the healthiest thing we can treat ourselves to. Also because sleep supports our immune system and can prepare us well against wet, cold and storms (and the viruses that take advantage of these weather conditions). The reason: The T cells in our immune system are primarily active at night. If you deprive your body of sleep, you also deprive it of the ability to effectively protect you. As I said: there is strength in peace!
In ouronline shop you will also find supplements that can support your immune system . Our ImmunFit° Direct granules as well as our ImmuneFit° cubes and ImmuneFit° bar Tropical offer you sophisticated combinations of vitamins, magnesium and trace elements that can help strengthen your immune system.
You can find even more tips for strong immune systems in our story Strengthening the immune system .
The right fall and winter clothing for running or cycling is a MUST!
Jogging and cycling protect the immune system in the cold winter months. But how do you practically protect yourself from darkness, cold or wetness during your sport? It's best to wear special running and/or cycling clothing for the winter. Make sure not to wear cotton clothing when exercising outdoors. You will sweat quite quickly under this and it is not moisture-repellent. You can also use this tip indoors.
Functional clothing is particularly suitable for sports in the cold season. It can regulate and repel moisture (sweat and rain). This means you avoid cooling down during your session and don't freeze. As a general rule, wearing an onion look when running or cycling in the dark is always a good idea. The combination of long sports underwear, shirt and leggings plus functional clothing on top can work wonders.
The onion look is also worth it if you have overpacked yourself and simply want to take off some of your clothing. That's why our tip: It's best to run or cycle with a small backpack in winter.
Of course, other functional pieces such as a hat or gloves should not be missing - especially when cycling in winter.
See and be seen while jogging and cycling in the dark
Want to gear up for jogging or cycling in the dark ? In general, you should wear reflective clothing to stand out in the dark and be seen. Don't skimp on this and rather dress like a disco ball than be overlooked and possibly injured. Most cycling and running jackets and other winter sports equipment already have reflectors on the sleeves, so you can be clearly seen in the dark.
You can also consider a headlamp for your winter sports. It's better to spend a few euros more on a high-quality product, as you want to see something in the dark and, above all, be seen - and ideally for more than 10 minutes. For a comfortable fit, you can choose LED headlamps that are light as a feather and, above all, stay cool. They do not require a gigantic battery compartment and the center of gravity of the lamp is directly on the forehead. They also use much less energy and last longer than other light sources.
Appropriate winter or running shoes are also recommended and protect against cold and wet feet. By the way, in two other informative Dextro Energy* stories we tell you how to find the right running shoes for you and how to properly care for your running shoes . For your winter outfit, you can look for bright colors and integrated reflectors in your running shoes and cycling shoes. And that they are perhaps a little larger – for thicker winter socks.
With the right equipment, fulfilling sports sessions, good nutrition and the right mindset, you can winter very well. So get into your glittery onion look, equip yourself with lights and then you're ready to go!
*contains carbohydrates
° Vitamin B6, B12, C and folic acid each contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
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