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Quality instead of quantity: making family time meaningful

In today's fast-paced world, spending quality time together with the family is an everyday challenge. Many parents want to be successful in their careers and at the same time be present and involved in their children's lives. But how does that work? Can work and family be combined without either side being neglected? In this blog post, we focus on how you can experience valuable moments with your family despite limited time. We give you small, subtle ideas on how you can organize your time together and look at how you can create time for these unforgettable moments. Because most of the time, balancing family and work is not about whether parents want to spend time with their children, but how they can gain this time in an often stressful everyday life.

The Importance of Quality in Family Time

Quality time is a term that often comes up in discussions about family time and parenting. But what does it really mean? Quality time refers to moments when we devote our full attention and presence to our loved ones. These times are crucial for the emotional and psychological development of our children and strengthen family bonds.

Studies show that children who regularly spend quality time with their parents develop better social skills and have higher self-esteem. This is reassuring for anyone who wants to juggle family and career: It's not primarily about how much time we spend with our children, but rather about experiencing the moments together with full attention and commitment .

Practical tips: How to spend more time with your family

Two things are clear: children want to spend time with their parents. And parents want to have a nice, fulfilling time with their children. So the compatibility of family and work is usually not about the desire or willingness to spend time with the children, but simply about how this time can be created and organized. So it's all about how everyday life can be managed so that there is more time for being together .

Because in reality, sometimes everything is easier said than done: lack of time and stress are two of the most common challenges parents face. Here are some effective strategies that can help you overcome these challenges - especially if you have to balance family and work:

prioritization and delegation

  • Set clear priorities: Determine which tasks are really important and which can wait. This helps to avoid being overwhelmed – and applies to family and job.
  • Delegate tasks: Plan your tasks together and decide how to divide them up. Smaller tasks in particular can be delegated to children in order to involve them in the responsibility and allow them to participate actively in everyday life.

improve time management

  • Plan ahead: Use tools like calendars and planning apps to keep track of all your family and work obligations.
  • Establish routines: Fixed processes for recurring tasks (such as homework, meals and bedtimes) and family rituals can help structure everyday life and reduce stress. Routines are particularly important for children because they provide security and a sense of safety.

practicing self-care

  • Take time for yourself: Even short breaks can help clear your head and reduce stress. Regular physical activity, hobbies and relaxation exercises are important so that you can spend time with your family with renewed energy
  • Don't neglect sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial to managing stress and remaining productive in everyday life - especially if you want to play with the children or do something with your family after work.

communication and support

  • Open communication: Talk to your partner and other family members about stress factors and look for solutions together. This shifts the focus onto the family as the problem solver and away from one person who would otherwise have to bear this mental load alone.
  • Seek external support: Sometimes it can be helpful to seek coaching, either through counseling or by participating in parent education programs.

Flexibility and Realism

  • Be flexible: Sometimes things don't go according to plan. A flexible attitude can help you deal with unforeseen events without becoming overly stressed. Family life doesn't have to look like it does in advertisements.
  • Set realistic expectations: Perfectionism can lead to unnecessary stress. Accept that not everything has to be perfect and that it's OK to be "just" good enough sometimes. The focus should be on fulfilling family time, not on a perfect event. Children in particular are much less critical than parents sometimes think.

Using technology wisely

  • Digital tools: Use technology to automate things (e.g. online shopping, planning apps) and to stay in touch (e.g. family chat groups to share updates and photos).

By applying these strategies, parents can improve family time management , which can lead to a more balanced and satisfying family life - and more free time that you can fill with many beautiful moments together.

A father and a mother play a board game with their two sons.

Conscious family time is like a short vacation where you get closer to each other.

Spending time with children, but properly: tips and ideas for your family time

Once you have made time for your family, it's time for the fun part : organizing small and big moments to enjoy family time to the fullest. Short, small moments can have a big impact if they are used well. Here are a few ideas for small, fine family rituals :

  • Have breakfast together: Even if it's only 15 minutes, use this time to make plans for the day or just start the day together.
  • Afternoon walks, after work or dinner: A short walk can be a great way to reflect on the day, bond with your child and get some exercise at the same time. Especially after a long day at the office!
  • Reading time before bed: Spend time reading to your child before bed. This will help you both calm down and end the day peacefully and relaxed. For older children, it can also be a selected podcast that you listen to together before bed. Especially for working mothers and fathers, this is valuable time that you can spend with your children - without much effort.
  • Play together: For older children, it can be a computer game or other regulated screen time , for younger children, it might be a short trip into the realm of stuffed animals and wooden trains. Either way, you don't have to play with your child for hours. Sometimes 20 to 30 minutes is enough to show: "I think your free time is great, I know what's going on, and I'm happy to share your experiences with me."

But maybe you would like to discover some bigger, more time-consuming ideas for your valuable family time. We have a few tips for you there too:

  • Hobbies for children and the whole family : Spending time with the family made easy! Sit down together and find a hobby that interests you all. Maybe you want to start a running group together or make board games your shared hobby? This is how you can organize family time as a team - for a closer bond and beautiful moments that you can look forward to.
  • Family time is a matter of honour: finding a volunteer activity together that you can all get involved in is not only good for the family, but also for those around you.
  • Trips with children : Especially at weekends, you can spend new-found family time by planning trips to wildlife parks, sights or a swimming lake together. If the children are involved in the planning, this can also strengthen the mother-father-child bond - long before you set off. Once you're on the road, our muesli bar , our minis and energy gums * are the ideal snacks for your adventures. Another tip: Make a list together for the next six months - full of great ideas that you want to experience together. This way, you can create a bucket list that you can tackle together.
  • Dad or Mom day: Both parents don't always have to spend time with the whole family. Whether it's mother-son or father-daughter time (or vice versa): This way, mom or dad can strengthen their bond with their child and also provide some relief for their partner, who might enjoy a little me-time in the bathtub, on the balcony or in the garden.

We hope this blog post provides you with insights and practical tips for creating quality family time even with a busy schedule. As you juggle work and family time, remember that every little moment counts , and that by planning and prioritizing consciously, you can make those moments richer and more fulfilling. This way, you can ensure that your family not only spends time together, but also enjoys it to the fullest .

* contains carbohydrates

A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.


all images: @iStock
