American Football
Your new favorite sport?
In recent years, around two million viewers have watched the Superbowl live on German television. More and more fans are also getting excited about the European League of Football. In short: American football is becoming increasingly popular here. But why is that – what makes the sport so special? And what do you need to bring with you if you want to get in yourself? Tim Haver Droeze, the sports manager of the Düsseldorf Panthers, provides answers to these and other questions.
Muscle-bound, huge, terrifying: This is how many people imagine the typical American football player. Former Dutch international Tim Haver Droeze knows firsthand that this image has little to do with reality. Since 2020 he has been the sports manager of the oldest European American football club and German Football League team, the Düsseldorf Panthers , and works with very different athletes .

When Tim Haver Droeze put on the pads and helmet for the first time as a child, he immediately knew that he had found his dream sport.
@Birgit Häfner/Düsseldorf Panther
In the interview, Tim tells us that even small, agile athletes can get started in American football. So don't rule out the sport for yourself just because you're less than two meters tall. Completely different qualities and factors are more important than body size and stature. The native Dutchman, who has lived in Germany since 2014, reveals what these are below. He also explains the role a healthy, balanced diet plays in your sporting success .
American Football: This is what makes the most popular sport in the USA so fascinating
Whether quarterback, linebacker or offensive line guard: American football thrives on the interaction of the various roles in the team. That's why it's the only sport in the world where it doesn't matter how tall you are or what your natural body type is - there's a position for everyone .
Tim particularly emphasizes this point: “In no other sport in the world is it so important that the roles in the team mesh well and that everyone knows exactly what they have to do. This is because the individual positions have very different tasks.” A wide receiver has to have a lot of stamina because he/she is on the move a lot more than, for example, a fullback who protects or defends other players and clears their way.
But isn't that similar in football or basketball? Tim emphasizes: “If you are talented, I think you can go far in other team sports such as football - because although a certain level of teamwork is of course important, if you have enough talent you can also achieve great sporting success more or less on your own . I know this because I used to play basketball and football myself. Things are completely different with American football. A touchdown without support from the other players is impossible. This is because the positions are so clearly defined. If you want to keep it fun, you definitely have to be a team player .”
Despite team spirit, one thing should be clear to you before your first training session: American football is tough . If you don't mind being tackled, knocked over, or run over, or are afraid of injury, endurance sports like running may be more for you.
But, Tim emphasizes, there is a limit even to this tough sport: “Personally, I like that American football can be tougher than football or basketball. However, of course not everything is allowed. Violations of the rules are punished and that's a good thing. Because American football is not a martial art – even if things can sometimes get really brutal on the field.”
“American football is not a martial art – even if it is sometimes really brutal”
So football is not about causing physical harm to others. Tim adds: “Knocking someone out is really not my thing. I'm not an aggressive person and that's why martial arts didn't do anything for me personally. Even though I enjoy playing hard, the goal of American football is not to hurt others ." So if you actually prefer to knock out opponents and collect knockouts, you're better off with boxing or mixed martial arts.
Success and fun in American football: these are the skills that matter
You see: the skills you should have if you want to play American football successfully differ - depending on what position you have.
In general you need...
- Discipline: You will only achieve success if you stick with it, train regularly and eat consciously. So you need patience and perseverance.
- Speed or endurance: If you can run fast, last through a game and keep up with the others, you have a big advantage on the field.
- Strength: You not only need strength to shield other players with your body, but also to persevere on the field.
Tim emphasizes: “In general, in American football you are always in an area of tension between tough action and tactics . Both have to mesh together and are important in this sport in order to gain space. That’s why both strength and endurance are important skills in American football.”
American Football: Proper nutrition is so important
Your diet supports muscle growth, endurance and ensures that your body can regenerate better after training - this also applies to American football. An average football game lasts three hours. That's why it's very important that you provide your body with enough energy in the form of carbohydrates . When training, this can be done easily during breaks - with the help of carbohydrate bars .
Just as important: drink enough and regularly. During the game, you balance your fluid levels with an isotonic drink . “If you have a specific training goal, I recommend you: create a nutrition plan and follow it strictly. I've done this myself in the past when I wanted to gain weight as a player," said Tim.
He adds: “But now it’s the case that American football is still a fringe sport in Germany. That's why nutrition is a topic that we as players mainly worry about ourselves and that we deal with independently - at least at the Düsseldorf Panthers there are no nutrition coaches who look after each player in a team individually . In professional football, however, this is often the case. The reason why things are different in American football is also because football teams are very large – they consist of around 100 players.”
And: “Just because the players don’t have a professional coach at their side doesn’t mean that it’s not possible for them to set up and follow an effective nutrition plan,” emphasizes Tim. “I developed a nutrition plan that was ideal for me, with which I achieved my personal goal of gaining ten kilograms in weight in order to gain more muscle mass. I would be happy to share my findings with you!”
American Football: This is what your nutrition plan can look like
If you're already doing muscle building training, you probably know: proteins contribute to an increase in muscle mass - studies also confirm this . A protein-rich diet is also particularly useful in sports such as American football, where strength is important.
If you want to gain weight as a line receiver, your nutrition plan might look like this:
- daily calorie intake: 500
- Number of meals per day: six
- Meal frequency: every two to three hours
- Amount of protein per day: at least 150 grams
“I rely on carbohydrates for breakfast. I get it from a special wheat semolina porridge from the Netherlands that is heated with milk. There are also two bananas or apples. Two hours later, low-fat quark with nuts is on the menu. You can easily add some protein powder to the quark - this way you can ensure that you get the amount of protein you need per day.
Two hours later we have 400 grams of chicken for lunch with two large beefsteak tomatoes, cucumbers, nuts and honey. Two hours later , 500 grams of yogurt with a handful of nuts or some muesli . For dinner I often make salmon with rice and broccoli and lemon. The last protein-rich meal of the day is another 500 grams of yogurt two hours later, mixed with something sweet like maple syrup.
In general, it is important to me to eat as balanced a diet as possible. This means: I eat a lot of white meat, but also vegetables and fruit. Salmon, avocado and nuts provide me with healthy fats. I supplement my diet with supplements and recommend this to other American footballers who pursue specific training goals. For example, I like to mix shakes with plant-based protein because the protein content is high and the powder is vegan.
I also benefit from shakes with BCAA drink powder if I want to build muscle mass. They are also great to drink on the side - so they are simply practical. If I feel like a protein-rich snack in between, I rely on protein bars that support effective muscle building. To achieve the ambitious goal of 150 grams of protein per day, supplements are definitely ideal .
But I think it's important: Supplements are a supplement - they don't replace a healthy, balanced diet. In order for 'your engine to get going' and you achieve your goals, the basis has to be right - otherwise the effect of even the best protein powders is minimized. If you eat a balanced and healthy diet, there is nothing to stop you from supplementing your diet with functional foods - it can be useful in American football and help you achieve your personal goals - at least it worked for me. And I wish that for you too!”
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.