Jogging in winter? Why winter training makes winners
Whether running, cycling, cross-country skiing, walking, strength training or ball sports indoors (or in the snow): winter training strengthens your immune system , keeps you fit, burns calories and prepares you excellently for the next season. Would you like some information about training in winter? Then take a look at our story now – and have a sporty start to the new year!
Endurance, maintaining weight, immune system: That's why winter training is so important
Winter training offers so many benefits that you will feel with just a little exercise per week. You have the choice: You can overcome your inner weaker self and run, cycle, go hiking in snow, rain, mud and sleet - or simply hop on a treadmill or roller and do your kilometers there. But even though many fitness studios are recruiting new members, especially in winter: the effect of fresh air is priceless. That's why we're looking at both in this story - winter training indoors and where it's really fun: outside.
Very important: If you want to start exercising outside in winter and are still completely inexperienced, we advise you to take it very slowly and get medical advice and examination beforehand. The cold can be surprisingly difficult for beginners when jogging in winter and other activities - as it can make breathing difficult and increase the risk of injury.
Competition and event preparation for now and later
It's clear: If you plan to get back into competitions by spring at the latest, chase personal bests, maintain your level in running clubs and other sports groups or simply don't want to have to start from scratch again , you can't avoid winter training. Not to mention if you also want to take part in events and competitions in winter. Whether skiing or cross-country skiing, winter marathons or mountain bike races: only if you are absolutely fit can you keep up, minimize the risk of injury and, above all, get the most out of your winter sports. And to be honest: Nothing pushes you as much as the good feeling of having done enough in the winter for the next spring and summer season .
Endurance training in winter for the heart, circulation and fat burning
Endurance training strengthens your cardiovascular system , burns calories and, if done continuously, can optimize the body's fat burning . Winter training strengthens us, especially in winter, when we usually move less, often eat and drink very high calories and, above all, have to deal with very strong temperature fluctuations (warm inside, cold outside). In addition, as an athlete you can use the winter time to train your endurance in a targeted and focused manner for the next competitions and events. The best thing: just 2.5 to 5 hours of exercise per week is enough! Anyone who takes a winter walk every now and then knows it: running in winter, in cold weather or even in light sleet, has a revitalizing effect and clears your head. Which brings us to the next point:
Cycling, running, strength training and the like for your psyche and against the winter blues
The grey, cold season can take its toll on us. You can counteract these winter blues . With running, cycling, hiking, walking, snowball fights, strength training, yoga and much more. Exercise (especially with others) always means a boost for mental fitness and general well-being. Also not to be scoffed at: Even when the sky is gray, a little bit of sun during outdoor sports can stimulate melatonin and vitamin D production . And that just feels good. Preparing for the next season and being in a good mood at the same time – perfect, right? In our story about the autumn and winter blues you will find more great tips against a bad mood.
Winter training: Your immune system will thank you
If our body's own defense system is fit, viruses, bacteria and the like have a worse chance for us. But how can exercise strengthen your immune system? It's simple: Running, cycling, skiing, hiking and other outdoor sports stimulate our immune system in winter when the cold air hits the mucous membranes in our respiratory tract - so the immune system ramps up and is much more active and defensive than in people who don't do sports. The following applies: the measure is crucial. Extreme stress outdoors can have the opposite effect in winter - and weaken the immune system.
Jogging in winter? Yes, please! Your endurance and your immune system are happy.
Know where, why and how: jogging, cycling etc. in winter
Jogging in sub-zero temperatures, cycling in the snow or on a roller, strength training in the gym: winter also offers so many good options for everyone who wants to optimally prepare for the coming year. That's how it works:
Jogging in the cold? Why this is a good idea
Winter training is often a double-edged sword for runners: You can't do without running training in the winter if you don't want to start all over again in the spring when it comes to endurance and strength. On the other hand, walking, jogging and running in winter are not without danger - not to mention the fact that the whole thing is often no fun in the snow, mud or freezing rain. Nevertheless, it is clear that running in sub-zero temperatures does so much good for us that it is simply a good idea. So what to do? How can you go through the winter well prepared? Here is a little checklist for jogging in winter :
- It's best to warm up first before running or jogging. Especially in winter, you shouldn't miss out on getting your body up to operating temperature before you get started.
- The right clothing is crucial; in our story about winter equipment you will find important tips.
- If it's too cold, too wet, too dirty outside, you can also consider getting a treadmill - or going to the gym to train there. Important here: The effects of indoor running training are still fantastic for your body, but they don't come close to the benefits that running in the fresh air brings you.
- If you run through snow and cold, rain and mud, the perfect running shoes are In our story on the topic Which running shoe is right for me? you will get more tips on this. Important in winter: Stable, waterproof shoes with a sole that offers you support and grip even on moderately good surfaces. Here you should definitely seek advice from professionals - a running analysis is also highly recommended before jogging in the cold.
- Some people underestimate the strain of winter training - so make sure that you drink enough even when it's cold, that you get sports nutrition (for example with our Dextro Energy* endurance products ) and, above all, that you get warm immediately after training, dry yourself off and the often damp Take off your training clothes quickly.
- You can consider starting with a running partner . This means there is always someone there to help you up after a fall, to motivate you, to chase away your weaker self and to keep you company with a hot punch after exercise.
Riding a bike in winter: Yes, why not?
If you enjoy traveling by racing bike and don't want to miss out on your training (or even take part in competitions) even in the cold winter, we recommend a cycling trip . For example to Mallorca or Ibiza, to North Africa or of course - if the budget allows it - to South America, California or Florida. More and more racing cyclists are doing this: If it becomes too uncomfortable at home and racing cycling in winter is no longer an option, they simply go on vacation. Many travel providers therefore have really great racing bike holidays in their portfolio - and many racing bike clubs also organize these beneficial cycling trips in the sun.
However, if you want to do your winter training on your racing bike at home , you can follow one of two trends that have reached the mainstream of (racing bike) society.
- One is spinning and endurance bikes like those from the gym for at home. However, these are often very expensive and of course don't have as much to do with your bike as you might like.
- Which brings us to the second trend: rolling . Special wheel rollers are like “treadmills for cyclists”. Here your bike is strapped onto the roller - so you train on your bike , which can contribute a lot to greater safety next spring. Many roles can be controlled via an app, more complex programs simulate routes, measure your successes and offer many other clever functions. A special advantage of the role: There is no idling - this makes the training particularly effective.
- Advantage of both types of training: You can easily listen to music, watch a series or even read a book - perfect when it's really uncomfortable outside.
Mountain bikers and trekking bikers, on the other hand, have an easier time in winter. Provided you have the right tires (be sure to get advice from a specialist shop), nothing stands in the way of a trip to snowy landscapes. Here too, our story about the perfect winter equipment can help you when it comes to reflectors, headlamps and the like.
Other good (endurance) sports for the winter
Whether you're preparing for your next competition, just want to burn fat and make room for cookies, or want to maintain or increase your fitness in the winter, there are countless ways to do this - especially with sports that offer a nice variety for running or cycling.
- HIIT (high intensity interval training) is suitable for everyone. This involves training in particularly intensive intervals, which put extreme demands on the body and can increase endurance enormously. If you want to start looking for a sensible HIIT, you can visit personal trainers or good fitness studios - this way you will receive a tailor-made, sensible program.
- Yoga, Pilates or functional fitness can also get you fit if you want to run, cycle, hike, climb or just go for a walk in winter. The reason: These sports and movement exercises train the entire body, putting strain on muscles that are not addressed at all in many sports - and they are good because they also address mental fitness.
- In winter, you can also do all sorts of winter sports to strengthen your endurance and strength. Cyclists and runners can, for example, switch to ice skating, skiing, cross-country skiing or curling (much more strenuous than you think) in winter - all aspects are trained here that can make the difference on the running and cycling routes in spring.
- Ball sports , whether practiced indoors or outdoors, are also a nice alternative to classic strength and endurance training. Winter soccer or football is extremely tiring and a lot of fun. Tennis, badminton and squash, on the other hand, take place in the warm hall - but are also good for coordination, endurance and speed.
Strength training in winter: It's warm in the gym
When it comes to strength training, we differentiate between strength endurance and maximum strength . Strength endurance is trained with many repetitions under relatively light loads. Maximum strength with very few repetitions at maximum load. Depending on the sport you want to support with your strength training, you can go one way or the other - or find a good middle ground. Unfortunately, strength training often conflicts with endurance training. Why is that? If you train your strength, it costs your body energy. He has to regenerate afterwards. The more strength you train, the less energy you have for endurance training. The middle ground is to develop a training plan for the winter that covers both areas (i.e. strength training and endurance training) and at the same time gives you enough space for recovery. For example, four to five training sessions per week are ideal. Your training plan could look like this, for example :
- Monday Run (treadmill or outside in the snow), 45 to 60 minutes
- Tuesday strength training (strength endurance)
- Wednesday Cycling (roller, exercise machine or actually out there), 45 to 60 minutes
- Thursday recovery
- Friday strength training (maximum strength)
- Saturday endurance (cycling or running), 45 to 60 minutes
- Sunday relaxation
It is important that you seek advice from experts about your strength training. Personal trainers and experts in fitness studios can support you better than YouTube videos and well-intentioned advice from friends.
Dextro Energy*: your support when jogging, cycling, etc. in winter
Sport in sub-zero temperatures – if you want to jog, cycle or otherwise exercise in low temperatures, the right food is crucial. Our tip: Stock up on quickly available carbohydrates, proteins and other supplements that can support you during winter training . In our online shop you will find many useful endurance products and specialists for immune defense such as our Immunfit° cubes , Dextro Energy* Immunfit° Direct and ImmuneFit° with tropical flavor .
* contains carbohydrates
° Vitamin B6, B12, C and folate each contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
McIntyre, KM, Puterman, E., Scodes, JM, Choo, T.-H., Choi, CJ, Pavlicova, M., & Sloan, RP (2020). The effects of aerobic training on subclinical negative affect: A randomized controlled trial. Health Psychology, 39 (4), 255-264. https://doi.org/10.1037/hea0000836
Mathias, D. (2018). Endurance sports and heart. In: Fit and healthy from 1 to 100. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-56307-6_56
Papp G, Szabó K, Jámbor I, Mile M, Berki AR, Arany AC, Makra G, Szodoray P, Csiki Z, Balogh L. Regular exercise may restore certain age-related alterations of adaptive immunity and rebalance immune regulation. Front Immunol. 2021 Apr 16;12:639308. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.639308. PMID: 33936054; PMCID: PMC8085426.
Thompson Coon J, Boddy K, Stein K, Whear R, Barton J, Depledge MH. Does participating in physical activity in outdoor natural environments have a greater effect on physical and mental wellbeing than physical activity indoors? A systematic review. Environ Sci Technol. 2011 Mar 1;45(5):1761-72. doi: 10.1021/es102947t. Epub 2011 Feb 3. PMID: 21291246.
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