Classic part 2: push-ups
In just a few weeks to push-ups
Your muscles are shaking, beads of sweat are dripping from your forehead, your strength is waning - push-ups can be a real challenge. But the good news is: Anyone can learn push-ups. You can read how it works, what you need to pay attention to and what push-up variants there are here - in the second part of our “classic” series. In this series, you'll learn how to finally master popular sports exercises that you've previously failed at.
Push-ups, or press-ups, are initially a challenge for many beginners. After all, in order for a push-up to be successful, many different muscles have to cooperate and work together effectively – what is known as “intermuscular coordination”. In addition: Just like squats, push-ups are bodyweight exercises. This means that you train with your own body weight - and you have to be able to lift it first.
Because they are technically demanding and quite strenuous, many people don't even try to learn push-ups - or give up very quickly. There are many benefits for your body if you can do push-ups .
Regular push-ups…
- According to studies , strengthen your cardiovascular system,
- strengthen your upper body and
- improve your posture.
These arguments have convinced you and would you like to give learning push-ups another chance ? Then read on and find out which muscles you train with push-ups, what variations there are and how you can do the perfect push-ups in just a few weeks.
Push-up equipment: which one do I need?
Typically, you don't need any equipment like a mat or weights if you want to do push-ups. That's exactly why this classic exercise is perfect for your home workout. But if you want, you can still use one. The so-called push-up handles, also known as push-up bars, are best suited. These are handles that you place on the floor and grip with your hands while doing push-ups.
Push-up handles…
- already on your joints : Normally your wrists bend quickly when you do push-ups - that can hurt a lot. Push-up handles take the strain off your wrists because the handles put them in an ergonomic position.
- Intensify your training : You can lower your upper body even further during push-ups. This puts even more strain on your muscles.
For beginners, we recommend rigid push-up bars with a non-slip base. The reason: They are very stable. Rotatable push up bars, on the other hand, are more for advanced users. They rotate as you lower your body down and push it back up again, which puts particularly intense strain on your muscles.
Speaking of intense stress: Have you been practicing for a while and are now really good at doing push-ups? Then train with additional weight . A weighted vest is particularly suitable. The reason: Compared to a weight plate or dumbbells that you place on your back, the vest cannot slip down - you can move more freely and concentrate fully on your workout.
Whether you train with or without additional weight, rely on a protein-rich diet if you want to build muscle**. You can also drink protein shakes as a support - for example the vegan Plant Protein from Dextro Energy*. You can get them in delicious varieties like Chocolate Nut and Vanilla .
Which muscles do push-ups train?
Push-ups are considered the perfect arm muscle workout. In addition to training the arms, they also...
- Shoulder muscles – mainly the front shoulder,
- triceps and
Even the core and gluteal muscles work. When you do push-ups, you don't train these two muscle groups as strongly as the triceps, for example, but you do challenge them a little. The reason: They have to stabilize you - so that you can always keep your body straight during the exercise. Good posture is again important to prevent injuries.
How hard you use the individual muscles depends on the push-up variant you do. For example, it makes a big difference how far apart your hands are. The following applies: the greater the distance, the more the pectoralis major muscle has to work - and the less the triceps have to work. So if your goal is particularly defined triceps, the hand distance should be as small as possible.
Push-up variations: which ones are there?
Many people still know two types of push-ups from their school days: classic and shortened push-ups . In the classic version, you do a push-up and place your hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Your body forms a straight line descending from your head to your feet. Then slowly lower your upper body until you are floating a few centimeters above the ground. Your elbows go outwards. Then you push yourself up again.
When doing shortened push-ups, your knees are on the floor - not your feet. Because this means you have to lift a little less of your own weight, this push-up variation is particularly suitable for beginners . In addition to these two variants, there are many others that are particularly suitable for advanced users and professionals.
For advanced users and professionals: Further push-up variations
Push-ups with feet elevated
In this variant, you place your feet on a chair, your sofa or a stack of books - your hands are on the floor. These push-ups particularly strengthen your shoulder muscles.
Diamond push ups
With diamond push-ups, you place your fingertips together so that they form the shape of a diamond. More specifically, your hands are so close together that your thumb and index finger are touching each other. The special thing about this push-up variation: your triceps have to work extremely hard.
One-arm push-ups
You can also do push-ups with just one arm. To do this, do a push-up and place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Then put one hand on your back and do the push-ups with the other hand. The big challenge with this version is that you have to lift most of your body weight with just one arm - instead of both arms.
Push-ups with claps
Instead of slowly pushing your body up, you can also push yourself away from the floor with all your strength and release your hands from the floor. Then you clap in front of your chest or behind your back and then put your hands down again. Our tip: Only do this exercise when you really have enough strength to push yourself really far away from the ground - otherwise you will quickly fall on your face.
Full planche push -ups
This exercise is a real challenge - basically the pinnacle of push-ups. The reason: When you do push-ups, your legs float in the air the whole time. This means that your entire body weight lies on your arms - and not partly on your feet. Full planche push-ups also challenge your sense of balance. So that you don't tip over, all the small and large muscles in your body have to stabilize you.
Whether standing, clapping or one-armed: There is a suitable push-up variant for every fitness level.
@x/image platform
You see: There is the perfect push-up variant for every fitness level and every desired training effect. Are even shortened push-ups just too strenuous for you? No worries! Here you can read tips that will help you learn to do push-ups in just a few weeks.
Doing push-ups in just a few weeks: That's what matters
The most important thing when learning push-ups? Perseverance. Because learning push-ups takes time. There is a simple but effective trick so that you can stay motivated over the many weeks: set yourself small milestones - and track your progress. This can be done via app or by hand. This way you can see your training progress in black and white and understand how your performance has improved.
If you are a beginner, your path should not start with classic push-ups, but with preparatory exercises . The reason: You first have to build up your arm and shoulder muscles and all the other muscles you need for push-ups. With these three exercises you will strengthen your muscles effectively - so that you can soon be able to do perfect push-ups.
Muscle Building Exercise 1: Wall Push Ups
- train: triceps, front shoulder and chest
- Special feature: easy to perform - suitable for internalizing the movement sequence of push-ups, low risk of injury
That's how it works
Stand about 30 to 40 centimeters away from a wall. Support yourself with your hands on the wall and then do your first push-ups. Wall push ups are super easy for you? Then go “down one floor” – place your hands on a sturdy table or couch. If this works without any problems, place your hands on a stack of books or a yoga block. After a few weeks, you no longer need to be raised at all, but can do classic push-ups on the floor.
Muscle building exercise 2: Planking
- train: core muscles
- Special feature: The difficulty level of the exercise can be easily adjusted
That's how it works
Get on all fours. Do not support yourself with your hands, but rather with your forearms on the floor. Then stretch out both legs one after the other - creating a straight line from your head to your heels . Hold this position for 45 seconds. Take a short break and repeat the exercise again.
Do you want to challenge yourself even more? When you can hold the forearm support in a relaxed manner for 90 seconds at a time, it's time for the next level : support yourself with your hands instead of your forearms - for an even more intensive workout. If this works without any problems, you can give even more power: with side planks.
Side planks are also called side planks. In this exercise you only support yourself with one hand and one foot. Only the left hand and the outer edge of the left foot touch the floor. Extend your right hand upwards - over your head. Place your right foot on top of your left foot. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then repeat the exercise on the other side.
Treat yourself to a little break every now and then - and a sweet snack like the Cream'n Crunchy protein bar in the Peanut Caramel or Hazelnut Nougat variety.
Muscle building exercise 3: Forearm push ups
- train: triceps, rectus and oblique abdominal muscles
- Special feature: combine core tension with pressure force - for more core stability, even when moving
That's how it works
Do a plank, but support yourself with your hands off the floor - this is the basic push-up position. Now go into forearm support. To do this, first place your right and then your left forearm. Then come up again with your right arm and then your left arm until you are back in the starting position. Important: Tighten your abdominal muscles and your glutes and keep the tension while you perform the exercise.
How often you should repeat this short movement sequence depends on your fitness level. Ten repetitions can be a realistic goal for beginners. Try to increase the number of repetitions from workout to workout - this will help you build muscle gradually.
Perfect push-ups: three tips
Are you ready for your first push-ups? Before you get started, here are three tips for technically perfect push-ups .
- Tip 1 – Keep your back, bottom and knees in the correct position. The goal is a straight line from your head to your heels. How do you do that? By tensing the middle of your body, i.e. the core, and the glutes.
- Tip 2 – Do the exercise in a controlled manner. You train your muscles more effectively if you do push-ups carefully and work slowly or without momentum. If this is difficult for you, just pause for a moment when you reach the lowest or highest position.
- Tip 3 – pay attention to your elbows. Your elbows should neither be at a 90-degree angle from your torso nor should they be directly against your torso and pointed toward your feet. Instead, hold them at an angle of between 60 and 45 degrees from your upper body for effective chest muscle training.
If you perform push-ups technically correctly, you will prevent injuries to the shoulder joint and specifically train your target muscles. Realize that if you don't stabilize your core during movement, you will build less muscle. Because then your chest muscles, shoulders and triceps work significantly less.
Push-ups: This is how you defeat “the final boss”
From the shoulders to the triceps to the chest muscles, push-ups effectively train many of the muscles in your body. With our tips, you can master this classic exercise, which is a real “final boss” for many, after just a few weeks. Start training today – accept the challenge!
* Smart Protein: smart mix with a high protein content, without added sugar (NATURALLY CONTAINS SUGAR).
** Proteins contribute to increasing and maintaining muscle mass.
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
Yang, J., Christophi, CA, Farioli, A., Baur, DM, Moffatt, S., Zollinger, TW, & Kales, SN (2019). Association Between Push-up Exercise Capacity and Future Cardiovascular Events Among Active Adult Men. JAMA network open, 2(2), e188341.
6 fitness machines for home – Dextro Energy* (dextro-energy.com)