runwithjan and Dextro Energy* on the Kampenwand hike
Welcome to our story, which is all about one thing: just doing it. Just do something new, something unusual that you feel like doing. Or to put it in Jan Kürsten's words: “Give every sport and activity a chance. It’s never too late to try something new.”
And Jan needs to know. With his account runwithjan, the 28-year-old inspires over 15,000 people on Instagram for his favorite sport, marathon, which he has been doing since 2018. The front runner, who completed the 42 kilometers in a time of 2 hours and 46 minutes, came late to his great passion. And it seems as if this has happened to him again with his new hobby...
“Just like with running, I’m also annoyed with mountain hiking that I didn’t start much sooner,” he says when we talk to him about his latest sporting adventure.
Because that's what this story is about: about hiking. More precisely: Jan's beautiful, strenuous and yet so rewarding Kampenwand hike, during which we provided him with delicious Dextro Energy* products.
The Kampenwand: hiking where it is most beautiful
“I like to go to the Kampenwand whenever I can meet my wamp'n,” it says so beautifully in Bavarian. Roughly translated: I would love to hike up the Kampenwand if I could do it with my big belly. And indeed: the summit ridge with its maximum height of 1669 meters can be challenging in places for inexperienced people.
At the Kampenwand, which owes its name to its appearance, which is reminiscent of a cockscomb (in Bavarian: Kampe), climbers, paragliders, hang gliders and of course mountain hikers of all ages and abilities meet. Because the good news is: The difficulty level of a Kampenwand hike can range from easy to difficult - good route planners on the Internet can help you find the route that suits you. For example, you can only hike to the Steinlingalm if you are only looking for a light challenge. Only from then on does it get harder. On the full Kampenwand summit tour, good endurance, some experience and excellent food are really necessary. Big belly or not...
You can easily see the distinctive landmark in the Chiemgau Alps
- by car via A8 (Frasdorf exit, then towards Aschau and later Kohlstatt/parking lot to Maisalm or Aigen hiking car park)
- or by train (Aschau im Chiemgau train station, then walk or take the bus to the valley station)
reach if you want to see for yourself. To get you in the mood, you can first read through what Jan experienced on his hike on the Kampenwand.
Run with Jan: a marathon runner on the Kampenwand hike
Jan Kürsten runs the 42 kilometers of the marathon in 2 hours 46 minutes and 12 seconds. He is an enthusiastic marathon runner, endurance athlete and Dextro Energy* influencer. And recently also hobby mountain hikers. And what do you do if you live in Bavaria and feel like hiking in the mountains? You simply set off with friends to explore one of the most famous hiking routes in the Free State: the Kampenwand. Always with you: delicious Dextro Energy* products that are intended to provide Jan and friends with quickly available carbohydrates . By the way, also in the marathon, but we'll come back to that later.
Do you want to know how a fully trained marathon runner performs on a moderately difficult mountain hike? Are you wondering what the differences and similarities are between marathons and mountain hiking? Are you still looking for tips for your first steps into endurance sports? Or maybe you just want to find out which snacks and provisions from Dextro Energy* Jan recommends for hiking and running? Then read on quickly, it will be exciting!
Mountain hiking with friends: easier, more fun
Jan's hike up the Kampenwand: an experience report
Jan and his best friends set off at 10 a.m. at the Aigen hiking car park. Your destination: the summit of the Kampenwand with the famous Chiemgau cross. The ascent is given as 2:30 hours and the descent as 2:15 hours. The weather: great. The mood: great. Favorite Dextro Energy* products: always with you.
Of gravel paths and hiking provisions against the hunger pangs
Jan and Co. trudge further uphill on gravel paths and forest paths that were partly soft from the rain the day before. 45 minutes of easy mountain hiking - but the friends are already stocking up on Energy* Gums .
The conveniently portioned fruit gummies - like all the other products they consume on their way to the summit - provide the group with quickly available carbohydrates and replenish glycogen stores in the muscles. These empty even under light loads. Because: Movement uses energy. If you do not continually replenish your energy stores with carbohydrate sources, you risk starvation (also known as the “man with the hammer”). And that's something endurance athletes rightly fear: you'll run into a wall due to a lack of carbohydrates. The lack of sugar affects the central nervous system: fatigue and exhaustion set in, your legs become heavy, you may even feel dizzy and even lose consciousness. Performance is no longer an issue.
Especially because Jan and his friends know that the climb will be even steeper later, they are already making sure to keep their storage tanks full. Of course, the experience from marathon running helps immensely here.
The Kampenwand: hiking through magical landscapes
After a short rest we continue through the forest. The group now increasingly hikes on rocky paths and has to avoid small streams and puddles of water. 30 minutes later they reach the edge of the forest - and look out onto a wonderful clearing. The gigantic panorama of the Kampenwand world spreads out in front of them - the first reward for their efforts. And the meadow only has one message for them: We're taking a break here.
Sandwiches and protein bars taste good and provide the body with everything it needs after more than 90 minutes of mountain hiking. From the meadow, the friends enjoy the view of their destination: the Kampenwand summit seems close enough to touch.
But first the goal is: Steinlingalm. Experts in mountain hiking who are familiar with the Kampenwand rate the route up to here as easy to moderately difficult, Jan and his friends bring their own experience to it:
In some places the Kampenwand is not for beginners and inexperienced people
After setting off again, we continue towards the Alm, which is at 1467 meters. Up until then, the friends had not had to overcome any major challenges, but this changed shortly before they reached the Steinlingalm. The Kampenwand hike is now more strenuous, even the marathon professional has to bite. The reason: Shortly before the Alm the path becomes steeper and the climb more strenuous.
Jan's conclusion: "The last few meters up to the Alm and the next few meters demanded a lot of strength from us, which means that the rating of the hiking route as "medium" is certainly fair."
During the ascent, the mountain hikers used liquid gels provided. The drinkable, liquid carbohydrates in gel form are particularly easy to enjoy while exercising. And the famine branch can stay where the pepper grows.
After the Steinlingalm is before the summit. And now the route is really tough. What surprised us during the conversation afterwards: Despite marathon experience and a high level of fitness, Jan had to take several breaks during the climb to the Alm. The friends are now fighting their way forward, meter by meter, side by side with other hikers. Exciting: You have to really climb on the last few meters - great fun for friends, but perhaps not necessarily intended for everyone.
The reward of the Kampenwand hike: the view
Done: Jan on the way to the summit cross of the Kampenwand
For the big finale, we'll let Jan speak directly:
“Almost at the top, we walk through several plateaus within the rock formation – really impressive. The path for the last few meters up to the summit first goes a little downhill over a last narrow path that runs along a wire rope protection and finally over rocks up to the summit. We then reach the last steps to the Chiemgau Cross via a small iron bridge. Satisfied and happy, we reach our destination after about 2:45 hours.” The three of them have climbed the Kampenwand summit!
The way back was no longer a big deal. Sure-footed and careful, within 2:30 hours we went back down to the parking lot and then towards home.
Marathon and mountain hiking: similarities and differences
After his trip to the Kampenwand, we asked Jan what marathon running and mountain hiking actually have in common - and where they differ. Maybe you'll find inspiration here to try one or the other? Who says mountain hikers can't also run marathons? But now Jan has the floor:
Matter of mind
“There is a great deal in common here: “arriving” and “accomplishing” a challenge. To develop the will to master even a long-term effort. The goal (the summit or the marathon distance) is always in your mind’s eye – and only actually visible at a later point in time.”
Endurance and strength
“The basic endurance can be transferred well to both activities. However, mountain hiking requires different muscle groups, which means the climb can be a challenge even for a marathon runner like me. The difference to running is that small rest breaks are taken more frequently during the hike (being in a group is always a good moment to collect yourself again, wait for each other and chat).”
“In both activities we try to carry as little weight as possible, which is also reflected in the equipment. When hiking in the mountains, the focus is on stability and safety, whereas when running, speed is particularly important. At the same time, it is important to wear equipment that is as comfortable as possible for long periods of time for both activities.”
“The food is more varied when hiking in the mountains than when running. When running, the diet is usually limited to gels, ISO drinks and water (sometimes also bars, etc.) and when hiking in the mountains there is significantly more leeway. From classic snacks to fruit spritzers and hiking snacks such as protein bars, everything is included.”
Another question, dear Jan: Why hike, what do you like about it?
“Hiking slows you down in a certain way, has a low barrier to entry like running and is great to do with friends. Hiking can be more or less strenuous. The more demanding tours, like a marathon, also require a lot of endurance, motivation and will to reach the goal. The advantage of hiking over a marathon is that you are always rewarded with a wonderful view at the end.”
Snacks for on the go: Dextro Energy* as hiking provisions
In addition to healthy snacks for on the go (like vegetables or fruit), you can also think about highly specialized snacks for your carbohydrate intake. More precisely: our Dextro Energy* products, which will accompany you on every hike. And of course also in marathons, cycling, swimming, football, tennis and more. Jan also has a few recommendations for you that can help you with any physical activity:
- After every intensive training session, the Recovery° Drink with cold water and ice cubes – super delicious!
- In between, the Cream'n Crunchy bars , always delicious. I always have enough in my fridge.
- And another tip: Plant Protein Chocolate Nut mixed in yogurt for breakfast – almost every day! Just add some granola.
Dextro Energy* always with you: marathon runner Jan hiking
5 tips from Jan for anyone who wants to hike
Did the story make you want to go hiking yourself? Jan's specialty is marathons and when it comes to hiking he's more of a beginner. But perhaps that's precisely why his five tips for beginners are so valuable:
- Tip 1: Start with small goals and slowly work your way up to big tasks.
- Tip 2: Don't underestimate the right preparation and prepare both mentally and physically for the challenge.
- Tip 3: Put fun first so that passion can develop. Successes and improvements come automatically little by little.
- Tip 4: Continuity is the magic word. With continuous training comes development in endurance sports. Discipline is necessary.
- Tip 5: Master new adventures together. Simply arrange to meet up with friends and take a trip to the hiking route nearby. Plan enough time and have delicious snacks to take with you for the trip and off you go. I'm sure you won't regret it.
*Contains carbohydrates.
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
all images: @ runwithjan