Start a running club? Runs with you!
Would you like to start running, but at the end of the day you prefer to fall onto the sofa or can't get up a little earlier? Or maybe you already run regularly, but notice that you have to force yourself to lace up your running shoes more and more often. How about a running meeting or a running partner ? So you can motivate and push each other when running as a couple or in a group - and also simply share a hobby with each other. But how exactly do you find a running partner or start a running club? We’ll tell you that in this story! We also have tips from an experienced expert when it comes to setting up a running group or setting up and managing a running event . Read on quickly so you don't miss it!
Why regular running is simply good for you
There are a lot of positive effects that come with regular running. These are on the one hand physical and on the other hand psychological .
On the one hand, there are the physical factors : By running you build up better fitness . Your blood pressure drops , your heart is relieved. The blood flows better through your vessels and you no longer get cold as quickly. You also feel more energy and generally just feel good. Your sleep also improves when you run continuously. Plus, of course, you burn calories.
Sport also has a positive effect on your psyche . When running you can simply switch off and forget all your worries and to-do lists . Not to forget: the brilliant feeling that comes when you realize that you have run a little further or faster again. Success is simply good. If you run in a group, you also have the opportunity to make new friends while exercising because you are among like-minded people. Of course, this also gives you a good feeling, creates motivation while running and pushes you - even later, when you're back to everyday life.
Obstacles are there to be overcome
There are a few things that can make running's life difficult. This primarily includes missing or incorrect equipment . Certain gadgets are indispensable, especially in winter or in the dark. Above all: functional and breathable clothing . Otherwise, you risk catching a bad cold if you sweat while running and the air around you is cold. And that wouldn't be particularly motivating. Good running shoes should also be part of your repertoire. A headlamp can also be helpful.
Sometimes, even with the best equipment, it is difficult to overcome your inner weaker self. Easily increase your running motivation by joining a running group or finding a running buddy who is at a similar fitness level to yourself.
Looking for a running group or running partner?
Even as a beginner you can join a running club . But if you would rather start a little slower and are unsure whether running is the right sport for you, you can first look for a running partner and slowly build up a little stamina - after all, you won't run away from a running club.
Going running together is often just more fun . A date often helps to maintain the motivation to run or to renew it when it drops a little.
If you're just starting out, having a set date will also help you develop a running routine. Most running groups also offer different tempo groups - so there is something for everyone, both beginners and professionals. Of course, there are also running groups that require a certain speed level or membership. But you can always ask about this beforehand.
The nice thing about running clubs is the exchange between like-minded people : What competitions do you take part in? What training tips are there? What are the best gels? Etc.
We already have a tip for you here: the endurance products from Dextro Energy*. Especially when you are in the process of building up your fitness, our Iso Drink package supports you during training with minerals and carbohydrates 1 . Or you can simply try out our endurance products with our Endurance Trial Pack and find out what suits you best.
Do you want to start a running club? Heike and Chris know how it works!
Start a running club like a pro
May we introduce you to Heike Mück ? She works as a speaker for internal communications in the real estate industry and has been running regularly since she was 17. She originally started just to get a little fitter, but over the years it has become a real passion. In 2019 she ran the Trans Alpine Run and since then, in addition to classic runs, she has preferred running trails. In September 2021, together with her friend Christian Claßen, she launched her own running event: The “ Happy Fri-YAY Runs ”. You can now find out exactly how she did it and what you should pay attention to when setting up a running club . Heike, you have the floor!
The idea
My friend Chris and I actually came up with the idea while on vacation. We have been able to take part in so many great events in recent years and have been running in different running groups for a long time. So we thought: we could try that and organize a little running event ourselves?
When and where?
So that we have enough time for preparation, we organize our “Happy Fri-YAY Runs” once a quarter. We deliberately chose a day on which no other races take place. The start and finish of the running meeting were always close to public transport or so that they could be easily reached by car.
Distance and speed
We have always shared the pace and the approximate route length in advance via our social media channels so that everyone can assess in advance whether it is manageable for them. It was important to us to run together and not in several groups. Since there are usually two of us as running group leaders, we can always react if someone doesn't come along.
Preparation and organization
Also essential: a clear distribution of tasks . This includes points such as the warm-up program, the route and a proper cool-down. It should be clarified before the run where participants can leave their belongings during the run and possibly even change clothes beforehand. A maximum number of participants should also be set and communicated. Having a plan B in case of rain can also pay off.
How do you communicate and how can others find your running meeting?
We primarily used Instagram . We announced the race there via posting and story and then the rule is: first come, first serve.
In order to be able to organize our running meeting well, we always set a registration deadline so that we can, for example, plan the catering optimally.
Of course, we also used our “running network” and advertised the run there.
What difficulties did you face and how did you overcome them?
For us, running is a hobby and it has to work alongside our jobs. Organizing an event often takes more time than you think in advance. Every now and then we had to juggle a little so that everything was ready in time for the set running dates and that all participants could enjoy the event.
What are your ideas/hopes/wishes for the future of FriYAY runs?
It is important for us to have fun while running . We want our runs to motivate others to run and for everyone to enjoy running and coming back.
*contains carbohydrates
1 Carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions help maintain endurance performance during prolonged endurance training
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.