Planen, Vorausdenken, den Alltag meistern: Es lohnt sich, exekutive Funktionen zu fördern.

Promoting executive functions – your formula for a better quality of life

Maybe you know this feeling: someone around you seems to master all tasks and processes with ease and you wonder how. What if you could complete your everyday to-dos with confidence and overcome challenges with a smile on your face? It almost sounds like a magical superpower, but what we're telling you here has nothing to do with supernatural powers. It's about your mental strength , or more precisely, your executive functions . In this story, you'll learn everything about promoting them, what executive functions are all about, and which functions are the most important.

What are executive functions and why do we need them?

Executive functions are like the invisible control system of our brain. They help us, for example, to plan, make decisions, correct mistakes and master all the small and large challenges of everyday life . This requires a complex interplay of cognitive skills that enables us to effectively control our thoughts , behavior and emotions . Imagine your brain is an office in which executive functions are the brilliant team that keeps everything running in the background. And as with real teamwork, different areas of responsibility must be covered in order to be successful.

FEX: Promoting executive functions – your formula for a better quality of life
Planning, thinking ahead, mastering everyday life: it is worth promoting executive functions.

Everything about the most important executive functions and their promotion

Planning your actions, setting priorities and goals - these types of self-regulation are some of the many skills that can help you to master your tasks more easily. They help you to not get in your own way . But what exactly are executive functions ?

The following executive functions are mentioned at a higher level :

  • Inhibition : the ability to suppress impulses to act
  • Working memory : the ability to process information in a goal-oriented manner
  • Flexible task switching : the ability to adapt to different requirements

These executive functions are both a summary and an example of the skills that help you deal with your daily challenges. You can train executive functions with certain exercises: We have broken down some of the most important skills and collected tips that can help you improve your mental management . With the following methods and exercises, you can learn to be more organized, make smart decisions, process information faster, become more flexible and much more. This way you can test your executive functions and improve them in a targeted manner.

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Planning: simply stay organized

Planning helps us turn our ideas and dreams into reality . It shows us what we need and how to solve problems so we can reach our goals – almost like a good travel itinerary .

  • Divide tasks into smaller steps
  • Enter dates and deadlines in a calendar
  • Create and complete to-do lists

To get started, create a weekly plan: organize your tasks for the coming week in advance - work out a detailed schedule and try to stick to it.

Decision making: choosing wisely

Decision making is about filtering out the best option from many options – similar to how we choose the tastiest dish from a menu.

  • Collect all relevant information
  • Weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of different options (e.g. with a pro-con list)
  • Using intuition and gut feeling

Do you know the decision coin or coin flip? Each side represents a different option. Flip the coin, but don't let it make your decision for you. Instead, analyze how you feel about the result. This will help you figure out which choice you would make based on your gut feeling. You can also use a dice for multiple options.

Memory training: your short-term memory

Working memory is like a sticky note in our head. We write down things on it that we need at the moment, like a phone number, which we only remember temporarily and then forget again.

  • Repeat information several times
  • Use mnemonics and memory aids
  • Focus on one thing and avoid distractions

With a simple memory game, you can train your working memory and create mnemonics for everything: Try to remember a series of numbers or words by dividing them into categories or making up a story about them.

Use feedback and correct mistakes: learn from mistakes

This ability helps us not to give up after a mistake, but to learn from it. It's about finding a new, productive path if the old one doesn't work.

  • View mistakes as learning opportunities
  • Learn from mistakes and improve strategies
  • Accept feedback openly and constructively

It may sound a bit unusual, but you can benefit from it in several ways: Keep a mistake diary . If you write down and analyze your mistakes in it, it will not only help you to avoid them in the future. A diary also offers a way to get things off your chest. Don't spend too long getting angry about mistakes - after all, we all make them.

Behavioral inhibition: acting against habit and controlling impulses

Sometimes we need to pause before we do something, especially when it comes to habits that are not always good for us. This ability is like an internal stop sign and helps us make better decisions . The following tips can help you to promote your inhibition :

  • Suppressing impulsive reactions
  • Breathe deeply and count to ten
  • Focus on long-term goals

A self-developed reward system can help you with this. Whether it's sweets, favorite activities, or a gift to yourself - if you can maintain your self-control over a longer, preferably predetermined period of time, you have earned your reward .

Mental flexibility: playing with change

Mental or cognitive flexibility means being open to new things and being able to adapt easily. Test your cognitive flexibility by integrating simple exercises and tips into your everyday life. Start with small things, such as changing your morning routine.

  • Taking different perspectives
  • Trying out unconventional solutions
  • Questioning routines and habits

Boost your cognitive flexibility with brainstorming : try to think without boundaries and write down all the ideas on a topic without censoring yourself. If you think you're running out of ideas, ask friends or family to help you expand your horizons.

Other Executive Functions

Executive functions encompass a range of other skills , including motivation and creativity . Together, these skills form a broad spectrum of cognitive functions that build on and flow into one another . The diversity and interplay of these functions illustrate the complex nature of how our brain works to navigate us through everyday life.

Get started now, develop your skills and enjoy life

Promoting executive functions is therefore crucial to going through life with more self-confidence and ease . It is remarkable how much our mental strength and psychological health influence our quality of life: executive functions and self-regulation are closely linked and if you try out our tips and exercises, you will also notice a connection to your self -esteem and self- confidence . Whether lists, diaries or goal orientation: find out which small aids motivate and strengthen you - and you will be ready for all new challenges.

* contains carbohydrates

° Vitamins C, B6 and B12 each contribute to normal psychological function, normal energy metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.



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