How to boost self-esteem and self-confidence in children
Have you ever thought about what influences have made you the person you are today ? What advice from your parents do you still follow today, what childhood experiences shaped you and how did you develop your self-confidence and self-esteem ? The foundation for our self-confidence and self-esteem is laid at a young age - that's why we've collected tips, exercises and educational measures in this story that help to strengthen children's self-esteem and self-confidence. Read on if you want to find out how you can give children more self-confidence from an early age.
Self-confidence and self-esteem – meaning and differences
Self-esteem and self-confidence – aren’t they the same thing? In fact, the two terms are often used synonymously . However, the meaning is different , as the composition of the words already suggests: If your child can answer the question “Who am I and what makes me special?” realistically , he or she has a healthy self-confidence . The child’s characteristics and skills are also significant when it comes to self-confidence . In comparison to self-confidence, however, it goes beyond this and describes trust in oneself – even when challenges lie ahead. Together, increased self-esteem and self-confidence can ensure healthy self-esteem in both children and adults : A positive self-assessment of one’s own value, including all strengths and weaknesses .
Why is it so important to strengthen children's self-confidence?
A good sense of self-confidence and a strong sense of self-esteem are important for all age groups : trust and acceptance of one's own person create mental stability and a good degree of independence . The earlier we start to encourage and strengthen children's self-confidence and self-esteem , the better. In this way, we not only give the little ones security and self-love , but also create the basis for development in all possible areas:
- Social skills: Confident children find it easier to build relationships. They are often more communicative and can assert themselves well in social situations.
- Development of skills and talents : Strong self-esteem and self-confidence promote curiosity. Children are motivated to learn new skills and face challenges.
- Resilience to stress : Confident children are not easily defeated. Because they trust themselves and know that weaknesses and mistakes are only human, they recover more quickly from setbacks and develop a high level of psychological resilience.
- Personal responsibility: A strong self-confidence promotes personal responsibility, motivates school engagement and has a positive influence on long-term life satisfaction.
Emotional well-being: All of these developmental steps have a positive effect on our self-esteem and therefore on our well-being. They also help to establish social contacts so that children do not feel alone or isolated.
Involving children in “adult” tasks builds their self-confidence.
Tips and exercises for stronger self-confidence in children
How can you support your child on the path to good self-confidence and strong trust in themselves and when should you start ? Whether as a good role model , with affirmations , exercises or joint activities - as a parent , grandparent, teacher, aunt or uncle, you ca n't start building children's self-confidence early enough . By the time they reach kindergarten age and then primary school , i.e. from the age of 6, children have their own experiences that can influence their self-esteem - so it is important to prepare them for this, to accompany them along the way and to build and support their self-confidence and self-awareness in many ways afterwards.
Aspects of child-rearing that affect self-confidence
Self-confidence and self-esteem cannot really be "taught" in the literal sense. You can teach and strengthen them to children through experiences, expressed affection , but also by setting boundaries - sometimes seriously , sometimes playfully :
- Routines and rituals: Children can rely on repeated processes. They also grow from them and can learn through play that there are rules and (house)work.
- Mistakes are part of life: Make it clear to your child that it is normal for things not to always go smoothly and that they learn from their mistakes.
- Positive perspective: You can model this for children, but also apply it when it comes to your parenting measures.
- Independence: The difficulty for adults here is perseverance. Boredom, for example, is part of life and is even very important - this is the only way children learn to occupy themselves independently and take care of themselves. Creativity often arises from boredom!
- Being in a bad mood is okay: This teaches a child that all of their feelings are relevant - not just the positive ones. After a while, you can talk about how to get your positive outlook back.
- Take them seriously and show support: Children value being taken seriously and understood just as much as you do. By listening carefully to them and supporting them with good ideas or discussing topics with them, you can train their self-confidence.
- Unconditional love: Especially as a family, you can show your child that no matter what happens, they always have a “safety net” – they are loved.
- Don't compare: Every child is individual and special in their own way. Therefore, try never to compare children directly and emphasize how special uniqueness is.
Affirmations: Positive reactions or affirmations can strengthen children's self-confidence. A lot of this is about expressing the points mentioned above to the little ones. You can also invent and say certain sayings and affirmations together.
Sports and games for stronger self-confidence in children
Sport is not only beneficial for our physical health. Both pure physical exercise and certain sports or movement games can build and train self-esteem and confidence in children:
- Assessment of one's own strengths: Through physical activities, children learn to assess their strengths and abilities and to use them correctly.
- Successes in sports: A caught ball, a successful pass – small successes and failures strengthen the will and are good exercises for self-confidence and self-awareness.
- Fairness and team spirit: Team sports teach children from an early age to follow rules, be fair and work together with team members. At the same time, social skills are promoted.
- Overcoming challenges: Sport can inspire children's ambition and thus promote their perseverance and courage.
Children can do sports such as gymnastics , swimming , inline skating , but also various team sports or, for example, a hike (with games) alone or with the family from a young age .
And if you want to join in yourself, our sports and power bars° , energy gums* and minis provide a little refreshment in between or a reward at the end.
A happy life with increased self-confidence and self-esteem
Now you know how to give children good self-esteem and self-confidence right from the start . You can also combine many of the tips and affirmations mentioned with one another - think of routines , rules and hobbies or leisure activities for the little ones and do them together. Mornings or evenings are a good time to introduce routines together or to review the day. Maybe you want to plan the next day together or say the affirmations you have developed together? In this way, we can teach children good stress resistance , a high level of independence and positive self-esteem in the long term.
* contains carbohydrates
° Proteins contribute to the maintenance and growth of muscles
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.