Die Mountainbikerin Lelia König in Sportmontur auf ihrem Fahrrad. Sie lächelt in die Kamera.

Sport during pregnancy: Interview with a mom

Becoming a mother is indescribable. Pregnancy, especially the first one, is associated with so many questions , advice and rules . For example: What can I still do (or not do)? When it comes to sport , the answer is: almost anything that feels good . We spoke to blogger, athlete and mother Lelia König about this. In the interview , the 30-year-old talks about her experiences with various sports before, during and after pregnancy - first-hand information, from mother to mother or mother-to-be. We have also collected a few tips , ideas and information that can help you find your ideal exercise routine during pregnancy.


What is the real effect of exercise during pregnancy?

 Whether cycling, running, hiking or skiing - Lelia loves sport. She has always enjoyed spending a lot of time in nature . And she has been training for performance on her mountain bike since around 2016. During her first pregnancy, the young mother therefore spent a lot of time thinking about gymnastics and sport during pregnancy , researching it and trying it out herself after consulting her gynecologist.

 Lelia: I'm Lelia, I live with my family in the mountain bike town of Albstadt, but our biggest dream is to live in the mountains one day. On my Instagram account ( miss.lk.sunshine ) and in my blog ( einesportlichefamilie.de ) I share insights into my sport, my travels and our family life. Fun fact: We haven't had a TV for seven years - but we do have ten bicycles.


Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

First, I would like to dispel the myth that women have to take it easy during pregnancy: if there is no medical reason, there is no reason to do so. Active and fit women have significantly fewer pregnancy problems, they gain less weight and recover more quickly after pregnancy. This also leads to a healthier birth weight for the child.

Numerous studies in recent years confirm the benefits of exercise and gymnastics during pregnancy:

     improvement of cardiovascular function

     reduction of pregnancy symptoms

     strengthening of the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles

     Promoting your mental well-being

     Ease of childbirth and faster recovery afterward


Lelia: During my own pregnancy, the positive effects of sport were clearly noticeable: I had no problems whatsoever until the 39th week. My weight gain during pregnancy was also well within limits. Our child, on the other hand, was a heavy child - so less weight gain does not necessarily mean a small child. On the other hand, my son is incredibly strong and active. We are always on the go and he loves being active outdoors just as much as my husband and I do. I think he always trained with me during my pregnancy and also managed our crossing of the Alps with the Tour Transalp well.


Pregnant mountain biker Lelia König training in a gym.

Image: Sport and pregnancy? Lelia König shows how it's done. 

Sporty pregnancy: How to get started

If you were already exercising regularly before your pregnancy, you can usually continue your program. If you are a newcomer, the rule is: "Start Low and Go Slow" . Begin with easy gymnastics exercises and increase slowly . Important: If you have complications or a high-risk pregnancy, you should definitely consult your gynecologist before starting or continuing any exercise for pregnant women.

Gymnastics, cardio, strength – which sport is suitable for pregnant women?

Lelia: In general, my favorite sports during pregnancy were cycling, step machines, cross-country skiing and yoga. I always listened very carefully to my body: road cycling quickly became uncomfortable, so I switched to mountain biking. In the end, that wasn't particularly comfortable either, so I switched to swimming. I even trained like that until the day before the birth.

 If you are unsure which sport is good for you during pregnancy, you can try the following general recommendations :


     Hiking and Nordic walking: improve endurance and blood circulation without putting too much strain on the joints. Fresh air and nature promote mental well-being.

     Pregnancy swimming and aqua aerobics: The buoyancy in the water relieves pressure on your joints and spine, while you train many muscle groups during water sports. The weight of the baby is felt less.

     Yoga and Pilates for pregnant women: These gentle training methods improve fitness during pregnancy with harmonious movements. In addition, pregnant women learn to breathe properly and consciously relax.

     Cycling : Preferably on an exercise bike, as there is no risk of falling. It trains the leg muscles and the cardiovascular system without putting too much strain on the joints.

     Light jogging during pregnancy: More suitable for women who practiced it regularly before pregnancy. It improves endurance, but becomes increasingly strenuous from the 20th week of pregnancy.


Lelia: I generally recommend not jogging for too long, as it is very stressful for the pelvic floor. It is often too late to notice when the pelvic floor has been overloaded - the effects sometimes only become apparent years later, for example in the form of incontinence at the age of 40 or 50. That is why I decided to be cautious early on and not push myself to the limit.


Training the pelvic floor: ideal pregnancy workout

The pelvic floor plays a central role during pregnancy and childbirth. A strong pelvic floor can not only make childbirth easier, but also prevent long-term problems. Even simple exercises such as consciously tensing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles can make a big difference. You can also contact your midwife or a physiotherapist for individual pregnancy exercises.


     Improved bladder and bowel control

     support of the pelvic organs

     facilitating childbirth

     Faster recovery after childbirth


That’s why Lelia recommends light pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy:

 Lelia: This will help you recover much faster after pregnancy and regain feeling for your pelvic floor muscles.


Strength Training During Pregnancy: Myths and Facts

 Lelia: Another myth: strength training is harmful to the baby. If you avoid lifting heavy weights and make sure that you don't have to use forced breathing, strength training can have a positive effect on the course of your pregnancy and the time afterward.


     Strengthening the core muscles: This supports posture and can prevent back pain.

     Improved body stability: Important for adapting to the changing center of gravity.

     Preparing for birth: Strong muscles can be helpful during birth.

     Faster regeneration : After birth, trained muscles can support recovery.


Lelia: There are a few more things to consider when doing strength training during pregnancy: From the second trimester onwards, you should avoid bench presses. You should also avoid other sports or strength exercises where you lie on your back and lift weights or are subjected to greater strain. To be honest, this felt so awful for me before that I stopped doing it.

In addition, you should generally not train your rectus abdominis muscles during pregnancy. Instead, make use of the opportunity to do pregnancy workouts. This was extremely difficult for me - for me it was "not real exercise" - but in retrospect it was the best thing I could have done.


Listen and pay attention to yourself and your body

How you feel about your body is important at every stage of your life. But especially during pregnancy, you should listen to your own body and seek medical advice if you have any concerns.

     Listen to your body and adjust the intensity of exercises

     Drink enough water

     Avoid overheating and extreme exertion

     Maintain a stable posture


Our tip: With our delicious iso drinks you'll never forget to drink during your workout. And our cubes with blackcurrant flavor and fast carbohydrates are an ideal reward afterwards - or even in between.

Lelia: One of my favorite Dextro Energy* products is the Focus Gummies° , especially when I need to concentrate on work.

After pregnancy: The way back to everyday life and sport

The time after pregnancy is a phase of adaptation and regeneration . But when can you start exercising again? Even if you would like to start your usual exercise routine straight after giving birth, it is important to give your body the time it needs to recover .

 Lelia: After the birth, I spent three weeks in bed before I went for my first walk. The detachment of the placenta is the size of a balloon - I wanted to give my body enough time to heal this wound properly. The thanks for this came from my body and my gynecologist after six weeks with huge praise. After eight weeks, I was back on the bike and after ten weeks I rode my first (miserable) test race and was still incredibly happy to be back in sport. Six months after the birth, my performance returned as if by itself. It seemed to me as if my body was simply holding back the energy so that it could concentrate on its recovery and breastfeeding in peace.


Pregnancy exercise: impact on regeneration

Lelia: Despite my sporty pregnancy, my recovery and returning to my sporty routine were challenging. First of all, I had to get a feel for my pelvic floor and abdominal muscles again. I had never experienced that before. In general, however, sport has been a part of me and my life since I was little. So for me it wasn't a question of whether I would return to sport after the pregnancy, but when.


New challenges: back to (competitive) sports with children

A new family member is here and suddenly everyday life is completely different. Take your time to find new routines that are suitable for the whole family. Sport is also possible with children !


Lelia: For me, the biggest challenge was not the pregnancy, but the time when our child was about a year old. Especially at the beginning, when the children were still sleeping a lot, I was able to continue my training really well. I did a lot of training on the roller trainer, or attached the trailer to the bike and moved the little one's afternoon nap outside. It became difficult for me when there was only one nap of one and a half hours. Then I always had to look at how I was doing it. Unfortunately, there is also work and housework. And the time is only there once. Now I split it up and do almost all of my units with a bike trailer. Just not the short sprint intervals, as the little one is thrown around too much in the trailer.


Active and fit during pregnancy – good for your health

In our interview with Lelia, the positive effects of exercise during pregnancy become clear. Her personal instincts have always been the right ones and the support of her gynecologist and her family has helped her to avoid any unfounded criticism .

 Lelia: What I would like to tell you personally is that giving birth and what comes afterward requires a lot of energy and strength. For this reason alone, I can recommend that you keep fit. Of course, pregnancy is not a time for personal records, but every workout for you is also training for your child, so that it can come into the world strong and healthy.



* contains carbohydrates

° Vitamins C, B6 and B12 each contribute to normal psychological function, normal energy metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.


A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.




Sources (studies):


