Protein-rich breakfast
Three delicious recipes for athletes
Are you a late riser and prefer to spend your mornings in bed instead of behind the stove? Or are you an early riser but are hardly hungry when you get up? Whatever your morning routine looks like, here you'll find protein-rich breakfast ideas that suit you. All recipes use protein-rich ingredients - ideal for you as an ambitious, nutrition-conscious athlete.
From the right technique to a training partner to regular breaks: there are many things that can improve your athletic performance. And proper nutrition is definitely part of it. If you start the day with a balanced, protein-rich breakfast, you will have more energy during training . You supply your body with protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats - so you can master even intensive workouts.
Your muscles will also be happy if you eat consciously. If your breakfast contains a lot of proteins, they can work better. They grow faster - and you become stronger and your body more defined . So it's worth eating at least one protein-rich snack early on. Or at least drink the delicious caffeine shake that we present to you here.
Speaking of drinking: Make sure that you always drink enough when you exercise. Water and unsweetened tea are best. But isotonic drinks are also a good idea - especially if you train in the heat . Because they help you quickly compensate for your loss of fluids and minerals 1 .
Creamy overnight oats with whey and blueberries
Overnight oats with berries – a delicious, protein-rich breakfast
- Suitable for: late risers who prefer to stay in bed for five minutes longer
- Preparation time: five minutes
Overnight oats with whey: ingredients
50 grams of oat flakes
1 tablespoon flaxseed
30 grams of low-fat quark
1 scoop of whey protein powder in strawberry flavor
150 milliliters of milk or a vegan alternative
1 handful of blueberries
optional: strawberries, raspberries or other seasonal fruits
Are you one of those people who would rather snuggle up in a soft blanket instead of fiddling with a cutting board and mixer early in the morning? We understand that well - and have the perfect solution for you: delicious overnight oats. As the name suggests, you simply prepare this healthy fitness breakfast the night before. This only takes five minutes. The next morning you can either spoon it straight away or add a handful of fresh seasonal fruit.
Because our recipe is aimed specifically at you as an athlete, it is extra rich in protein. Because low-fat quark contains an average of 13 grams per 100 grams of protein, which you demonstrably need to build muscles . The proteins contained in whey powder also contribute to an increase in muscle mass and the maintenance of muscle mass and normal bones - just right for you as a fitness athlete !
In addition, 100 grams of lean quark contains around 90 milligrams of calcium. Our recipe also contains flaxseed - a real local superfood . They provide you with healthy omega-3 fatty acids and keep you full for a long time thanks to their high fiber content . According to studies, the mucilage contained in the peels also has a positive effect on your digestion. Blueberries contain a lot of vitamin C.
Make your own overnight oats with whey: Here's how
Step one: Take a mason jar or bowl, add the milk and dissolve the whey protein powder in it.
Step two: Add the oat flakes, quark and flax seeds and stir everything thoroughly.
Step three: Let your protein breakfast sit well in the fridge overnight.
Step four: The next morning, add the blueberries and – if you like – other seasonal fruits as a topping to your overnight oats. Your fitness breakfast is ready!
Delicious stimulant: caffeine shake with protein powder
Delicious shake: This is what a protein-rich breakfast can look like.
@Barbara Neveu/Shutterstock.de
- Suitable for: late risers and anyone who has little appetite in the morning
- Preparation time: three minutes
Caffeine shake with protein powder: ingredients
1 small cup of fresh espresso
1 cup ice cubes
1 scoop of whey chocolate
200 milliliters of cow's milk or an alternative made from almonds, soy, oat or rice
½ banana or a handful of dates
This refreshing, creamy coffee shake tastes delicious and fills you up well - protein powder makes it possible. This makes it perfect for anyone who doesn't have a big appetite in the morning . Twenty minutes before training, our shake provides you with quickly available proteins. After exercise, the frothy coffee dream is a well-deserved reward and, according to studies, it also ensures that your muscles regenerate quickly**. Other studies also suggest that caffeine even reduces perceived muscle soreness.
Scientists were even able to see an improvement in endurance performance in athletes who drank coffee before training. The banana or dates contained in the shake provide you with fructose. A certain amount of fructose in addition to glucose can help to absorb carbohydrates better , as it activates other sugar transporters in the intestine.
Make your own caffeine shake with protein powder: This is how it works
Step one: Put all the ingredients in a stand mixer and mix until the liquid forms a creamy foam. This should take about a minute or two.
Step two: Enjoy your caffeine shake immediately or pour it into a sealable cup and take it with you to training.
Crispy vanilla whey waffles
These delicious whey waffles make a protein-rich breakfast
- Suitable for: early risers and everyone who prefers to start the day sweetly in the morning
- Preparation time: ten minutes
Whey waffles: Ingredients for about ten waffles
250 grams of low-fat quark
5 eggs
50 grams of whey vanilla
1 heaped tablespoon almond flour
½ bag of bourbon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon oil for your waffle iron
Do you need a really tasty breakfast in the morning and are you happy to invest a few minutes into it? Then our crispy, fresh, protein-rich whey waffles will sweeten your start to the day! Instead of starchy wheat flour, we use almond flour , which contains a particularly high amount of magnesium and calcium compared to wheat flour.
The eggs contained in this protein-rich breakfast recipe are real little nutrient bombs: not only do they provide you with protein, but they also contain around 1.5 micrograms of vitamin B12 per egg. Just one and a half large eggs cover almost half of your daily requirements. In addition, protein powder and quark are added as protein suppliers in this fitness breakfast.
To provide your body with additional minerals, you can drink a large glass of water with a Zero Calories effervescent tablet from Dextro Energy*** in the orange flavor - a fruity, delicious alternative to water or sweet juices. The five essential electrolytes it contains, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium and chloride, help to quickly balance your mineral and fluid levels.
Make your own whey waffles: This is how it works
Step one: Plug in your waffle iron and preheat it.
Step two: Place all the wet ingredients except the oil in a bowl and whisk them together with a hand mixer. This takes about a minute.
Step three: Add the dry ingredients and stir them in for a minute as well.
Step four: Brush some oil onto the baking surfaces of your hot waffle iron.
Step five: Use a ladle to pour a portion of batter into your waffle iron. Be careful not to use too much dough. This way you can ensure that it doesn't overflow when you close it.
Step six: Bake the whey waffles for one to two minutes until they have a nice, golden yellow color.
Step seven: Garnish your whey waffles with fresh seasonal fruit if desired. Whether strawberries, apricots or blueberries – you can make the most of them, especially in summer.
Protein-rich breakfast: recipes for the perfect start to the day
With our delicious protein breakfast recipes you provide your body with the right nutrients - for a powerful start to the day. We wish you bon appetite!
*Smart Protein: smart mix with a high protein content, no added sugar (NATURALLY CONTAINS SUGAR)
** Proteins help maintain muscle mass
*** Magnesium contributes to normal energy metabolism.
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
Carlsohn A. Influence of proteins on muscular regeneration after sporting activity. Dtsch Z Sportmed. 2016; 67:59-63. doi:10.5960/dzsm.2016.219
Dhingra, D., Michael, M., Rajput, H., & Patil, R. T. (2012). Dietary fiber in foods: a review. Journal of food science and technology, 49(3), 255-266. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-011-0365-5
Hurley, CF, Hatfield, DL, & Riebe, DA (2013). The effect of caffeine ingestion on delayed onset muscle soreness. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 27(11), 3101-3109. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182a99477
Higgins, S., Straight, CR, & Lewis, RD (2016). The Effects of Preexercise Caffeinated Coffee Ingestion on Endurance Performance: An Evidence-Based Review, International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 26(3), 221-239. Retrieved Jun 23, 2021, from http://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijsnem/26/3/article-p221.xml
Duncan, M.J., & Oxford, S.W. (2012). Acute caffeine ingestion enhances performance and dampens muscle pain following resistance exercise to failure. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 52(3), 280-285.
Jentjens, R.L., Achten, J., & Jeukendrup, AE (2004). High oxidation rates from combined carbohydrates ingested during exercise. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 36(9), 1551–1558. https://doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0000139796.07843.1d