find friends
Get fit and socialize at the same time
Put on your headphones, start jogging, forget the world around you - that's not for you. You are not a person who wants to be left alone while exercising. Your world is training groups. You love running with friends, outdoor yoga in the park or would like to regularly meet up with friends to go cycling. If you would like to network (even more) with others, we can help you. Here you will find out how you can make new friends, deepen your relationship or maintain existing friendships through sport.
Sport brings people together and can be more fun with others than alone. But having fun and celebrating successes together are not the only reasons to do sports with friends, in a relationship or with other people in general. Because as a couple you support and motivate each other . This means you can reach your training goals faster. If you run out of breath while jogging, your training partner will encourage you with encouraging words.
In addition, you keep an eye on each other. This way, you'll quickly notice if mistakes creep into each other's exercise routines. An example: You notice that your training partner takes far too long steps while running. In this case, you can correct him:her directly when training as a couple - for an optimal running style. So if you keep an eye on each other's technique, you'll both benefit from it . Would you like to train with others, but don't know how to find like-minded people? Then read our tips now!
Find a training partner: Make contact with like-minded people while exercising
The desire to connect with others is understandable, especially given the current circumstances. After all, we spend a lot of time alone at home. Because there is enough space, you can easily keep your distance while exercising outdoors - this way you can make new contacts while at the same time taking care of your own health and that of those around you. We'll tell you how to find like-minded training partners with whom you complement each other well.
Making new acquaintances through sport: You can do it with these three tips
Tip one: Be honest
Think about your fitness level – before you look for training partners or decide on a particular sport. Be honest and answer the following questions:
- How often do you exercise – never, a few times a month or almost every day?
- How intensive is your training - do you walk, jog five kilometers at a moderate pace or are you in great shape and regularly take part in running competitions?
- What is your motivation – losing weight, improving your fitness or maybe you even want to prepare for a sporting event like a marathon?
Use the questions to find out how good your fitness is at the moment and realistically assess your training level. Knowing your own level is particularly important when playing sports with others. The reason : It doesn't help if you deceive yourself or others. Your training partner will quickly notice if your fitness levels don't match - and you will also notice it clearly.
An example: Although you thought you were well prepared and that you even had the right carbohydrate donors with vitamins and magnesium with you during training, you are plagued by severe muscle soreness for days afterwards. That's because you really wanted to keep up with the others and didn't pay enough attention to your own limits. The alternative: Your training partners slow down because of you and don't achieve their own goals. This is not satisfactory for any of you and causes frustration. That's why it's important that you assess your fitness level honestly and realistically.
Tip two: Find a sport that you really love
Go deep within yourself and ask yourself what you like most about sport . With these three questions you will get to know your true motivation:
- Who are you – do you love competing against others or do you find competition rather strenuous?
- Why do you exercise – do you want to get fitter, slimmer or build muscle?
- What is your lifestyle – do you urgently need to find your inner center or do you want to really work out?
If you start doing a sport that you don't really enjoy, sooner or later you'll have to force yourself to do it. Then you quickly lose motivation - regardless of whether you train alone or with others. So think about who you are and what you need beforehand. If you know yourself well, you can find a sport that suits you and that you can do in a group - this way you can stick with it in the long term.
Tip three: stay on task
Your training partners count on you – just as you rely on them. Sport with others thrives on shared experiences of success, positive memories and dynamism. For example, do you remember the time when you ran out of power halfway through and your training partner saved you with a liquid gel ? Memories like these bring you and your training partner together.

In order for your training partners and you to grow together, it is important that you stick with it. Training together shouldn't be optional in your calendar - make it a mandatory event. Equally important : cancel in good time if you don't have time for good reasons so that no one waits for you unnecessarily. If you are well integrated and you experience and celebrate moments of success together, motivation increases. In this way, acquaintances can develop into long-lasting friendships.
Deepen friendships: Strengthen your solidarity through sport
Does sport play a big role in your circle of friends or have you only made good intentions to do sport together? Then read here three tips that will help you put your plan into action - and stay on task in the long term.
Do sports with friends: Follow these three tips
Tip one: Find a weekly, fixed appointment
The first training session together with your best friend was fun . The second time you realize: It's already late because you've been working late, it's cold outside - you actually don't feel like going jogging anymore. Are you now thinking about canceling your date together? That's not an option!
Your training together is a must - put it in your calendar. Cancellations are only permitted in exceptional cases. The reason: After you have exercised, your body reaches a higher level of performance during the regeneration phase. At this point he is better prepared for renewed stress - and at times even more efficient. If you continue training, you are showing your body: “Keep going – and stick with it!” But if you stop exercising regularly after the first training session, you send your body the opposite signal - and your performance drops back to its original level. This is the principle of so-called supercompensation.
So that your body recognizes that you want to increase your performance, beginners should start training with at least two units per week . Give yourself a break of one to two days before you start exercising again. This way you can create a healthy exercise routine and not overwhelm yourself. Your body gradually adapts to the increased stress. You feel this because training suddenly becomes much easier for you - your performance increases. Then you won't get out of breath as quickly when jogging, for example. These small successes increase your motivation immensely.
Tip two: Challenge yourself and have fun
Doing sports together doesn't mean you always have to do the same thing. There are many options open to you. Instead of the usual run through the residential area, how about something a little different? Because if you already know every stone along the way inside and out, the training will get boring more quickly.
Our tip: Try out a new route – cross-country, for example. If you live in a city, go outdoors and explore the forest. Leaving familiar paths is not only exciting, but also fun. Breaking routines and trying something new is also good for the brain.
If you venture out into nature, two things are important - especially for beginners: Take enoughisotonic drinks and bars with you to replenish your carbohydrate stores . This will help you compensate for the loss of fluids and minerals that occur when you sweat - and ensure that you have enough energy during your workout.* Be sure to take a cell phone with you in case you get lost. In any case, the shared adventure in nature will really bond you together!
Tip three: Treat each other to success
Your friend can master even particularly steep stretches of road with his racing bike without any effort . You're also doing your best, but the distance between you is getting bigger and bigger. When you finally reach your destination, you are breathless, bathed in sweat - and a little jealous. Why does training seem so easy for some people and why do you reach your limits? That's unfair, you think.
Comparisons are human nature. They happen constantly and subconsciously without you being able to do anything about it. They help you to classify and assess things that are happening around you . In addition, studies show that we are more likely to be friends with people who are similar to us or who have similar values to ourselves. If your friends are more successful than you, you inevitably compare yourself with them. When training together, constant comparisons or even envy can be real motivation killers.
Our tip: Be aware that you are comparing yourself with others - and change your inner attitude. Do this:
- Set your own goals. They may be different from those of your friends.
- Be aware that every person has their own strengths and weaknesses. You are not competition, but complement each other.
- Don't see other people's successes as criticism, but let them inspire and motivate you.
Speaking of motivation: a shared playlist with motivating songs gets you in the right mood before training - and can give you an extra kick. Create them together - everyone adds their favorite training anthems. Alternatively, a pre-made playlist provides even more motivation while exercising. Get carried away!
Sport with friends: your power playlist
Strengthen relationships through sport: Training together is so good
With sport you can find new friends or strengthen existing relationships. This also applies to your partnership. Especially if it has existed for a long time, regular training together can bring new impetus to your relationship and strengthen your feeling of togetherness . With our three tips, you and your partner will have long-term fun doing sports together.
Integrating sport into your relationship: three good tips
Tip one: Find out who you are
Your partner is a real endurance professional - you can't keep up when running together. But you are super flexible , while your partner reaches his own limits even with simple yoga positions.
Whether it's mixed doubles tennis, jogging or CrossFit training: there are basically many sports that you can do together. But not all of them suit you. The reason: Although you are in a relationship, you are still different people with different fitness levels, training goals and different preferences. Your partner is very competitive, you are more in need of harmony? Then it might be difficult to find a sport that makes you both happy.
That's why: communication is important. Find out together what your goals are when it comes to sport. Make compromises. For example, you can alternate working out while kickboxing with relaxed swimming including a visit to the sauna. You know best which sport suits you – talk about your ideas.
Tip two: Enjoy the time together
You strain on the ergometer, your partner devotes himself entirely to weightlifting. You're totally lost. Your training will take place separately and you will only see each other again afterwards. You actually wanted to go to the gym together - but somehow it doesn't feel like it.
It doesn't have to be that way. Sport strengthens your relationship sustainably – if you approach it correctly. See the training as shared “quality time”. This means: Find a common running rhythm when doing endurance sports and have a relaxed chat while jogging. In the gym you do your sports routine together and recharge your batteries while taking breaks together. This is how you get the most out of your time together.
Tip three: Stay flexible
Plannability and fixed, regular training appointments are important so that you can achieve your fitness goals. On the other hand, too much structure can also limit you. For example, if a gap spontaneously opens up in your schedule and you would like to go for a ride on the racing bike straight away. You ask your training partners, but they don't respond to your message or cancel on you - they're not that spontaneously available.
Things look different in a partnership. You spend a lot of time together and know your daily routine. If something changes in the other person's plan, you usually know it relatively quickly - but only if the conditions are right. Our tip: Talk to each other regularly and stay flexible. If your communication is right, it also has a positive effect on your training. Because then you can plan it quickly and easily - and even spontaneously. Whatever suits you best.
Finding friends and socializing while doing sports: it's that easy
With the help of sport, you make new contacts, deepen existing friendships and strengthen the feeling of togetherness in your relationship. With our tips, you can take your fitness and your relationships to a new level. Try it!
* Carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions help maintain endurance performance during prolonged endurance training and improve water absorption during physical activity. A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
Wolf, C. (1997). On the similarity of social relationships: new theoretical and empirical results. ZA-Information / Central Archives for Empirical Social Research, 41, 83 – 101. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-200006